Confess Feelings

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He's past his little phase and accepted his feelings for you. Now he just had to ask you but how?

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After Valt kept walking into you, one day a note was hanging on your locker. "Sorry for all the inconvenience the last few days...weeks and uh...months...I know Bey bread didn't do well so I want to...maybe invite you to the cinema? Just come up after school the roof. Valt" You were a little surprised, but accepted the invitation, knowing that Valt had meant well to ed, like everything else. After your class you went up to the roof, where you had often seen Valt train. To your surprise, nobody was there. There was just another note stuck to the bench, on which there was a basket full of bey bread. You took the second note and read it through as well. "Before I forget...I like you (Y/N)...So not just as a friend...Well, I don't...I want you to be my friend...So not friend in the sense of friends like Honcho or Daigo...but...just different...And if you want it...I want you to accept the basket..." You smiled and took the basket. "(Y/N) I'm sorry, I'm late" You turned around, basket in hand, and Valt stopped. He looked at the basket and didn't really know what to say. "I'm okay if we just go to the park and just eat bey bread there" Valt just nodded. "Yes ... Yes okay" Smiling, you took his hand and pulled him with you.

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That day you met Shu again in the park to train again. You trained for hours and then decided to go to Shu's house in the evening and have dinner. Shu cooked pasta and you were always amazed how delicious his food tasted. "Tell me, where did you learn to cook so well from?" "I've always been very good at that." "Well, since you were born," Shu laughed a little. "Who knows?" He sat down next to you at the table and put his plate on the table. You ate the pasta and for dessert there was biscuits and cocoa. "Fortune cookies?" "Homemade" "You can bake?" "I tried" You took one of the cookies and broke it apart. "Did you go to the poets?" You asked with a laugh when you took out the note. You opened it and read it through. When you had gone through the words a few times, you looked up. Shu looked at you. "I ...yes...I want to go out with you"

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You spent more and more time with Rantaro and also with his little brother Ranjiro. Ranjiro was a total fan of yours and he told you everything, really everything. On that day the three of you were in the park and Rantaro had bought you ice cream. You sat on the bench and while you ate your ice cream with relish, Rantaro tried to clean up the little mess that his little brother had caused. His chocolate ice cream ran over his hand and his mouth was full of ice. "Do you need any more tissues?" "If you still have some, I'd love to." You reached into your pocket and handed the pack to Rantaro. "Thank you" After the mess was fairly clean, you decided to buy a new T-shirt for Ranjiro, because the current one was not spared from the ice. "You don't have to pay it, (Y/N)" "Yes, as a small thank you for the invitation" You handed the seller the money and took the shirt that the younger Kiyama had looked for. You three left the shop. Outside, Rantaro tried to give you the money back, but of course you didn't take it. Meanwhile, Ranjiro looked back and forth between you. "And I thought you wanted to invite (Y/N) because you like her so much" Rantaro looked at his brother, as did you. "What are you saying, Ranjiro?" "Didn't you say that to Valt on the phone this morning?" You looked at Rantaro, who held Ranjiro's mouth shut and smiled at you sweaty. "I don't know where he got that from" Your gaze changed and you bowed your head. You really liked Rantaro and had hope that he liked you too. But you didn't let it be noticed and you spent the rest of the time together until Rantaro and Ranjiro had to go home. You accompany them to their apartment, as it was on your way. "Go wash your hands, Ranjiro" "Okay...Bye (Y/N)" "See you tomorrow Ranjiro" The little boy disappeared into the apartment. Rantaro closed the door and looked at you. "Thanks again" "Nothing to thank...That's what friends are for...not?" "Yes..." "See you tomorrow" You were about to leave when Rantaro took your hand. "(Y/N)...Wait" You looked at him. He hesitated and considered. "About earlier...What Ranjiro said..." You raised your hand. "It's okay...It's okay, really" "No...No it's not. Listen (Y/N) ...It's true...I really like you, and actually I wanted to spend the day just with you...Well, not that it wasn't fun with Ranjiro but actually I just wanted to spend time with you...Because I like you but didn't I should have told you...I'm sorry" You looked at him in surprise, then gave him a warm smile. "How about we go to the cinema on Friday? Just you and me?" "I'd love to." You nodded and stood on tiptoe to kiss his cheek. "Well then, see you tomorrow Rantaro" His cheeks turned red. "...Yes until tomorrow..."

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