Fubuki Sumiye catches up

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Trying again to finish the older catch ups and then you get again normal scenarios. Fubuki is catch up 2/4. I'll try to finish the other two as soon as possible but now enjoy Fubuki's catch up

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First Meeting

You were a member of the Raging Bulls and not only Shu's best student but also a friend of his. You were in training when Shu came into the room. "(Y/N), do you have a minute?" You looked at him and took (B/N) out of the arena before going to him and another person. "I would like to introduce you to Fubuki Sumiye. He used to be a student of mine and is now a good friend." "Nice to mee mt you. Everything okay?" "Yes, thank you" "I suggested to Fubuki that he can spend the time he is here with you as his training partner. I think you can learn some things from each other and thereby become even stronger. What do you think (Y/N)?" "Why not? A change never hurts" "That sounds good. I'll leave you alone. If you need anything, I'll be in my office" Shu left you two alone. "Let's get started?" "Of course"

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Become Friends

It was difficult to befriend with Fubuki. At first he only saw you as a training partner and didn't want anything to do with you outside of training. But after a while it became more... You suspected that Shu had something to do with it, but you couldn't really say. But ever since Fubuki and you started interacting more, he wasn't as bad as you thought he was.

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After Fubuki opened up more to you, you also started to open up to him more. You got along quite well and Fubuki started to like you very much. He didn't know where these strong feelings suddenly came from, so he asked Shu for advice. Shu was surprised at first, but explained to him what was going on.

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Confess Feelings

Fubuki was surprised when Shu told him he was in love, but he knew he had to be honest with you. You were in training when he wanted to talk to you about it. "(Y/N)?" You looked up "Oh, Fubuki. Ready for our training?" "Yes...but before that I want to talk to you" "Hm? Sure. What's up?" "I'll be honest with you...It's no use procrastinating anyway...I fell in love with you" You were amazed at his directness. While it wasn't anything new that Fubuki was open about his feelings, it definitely came as a surprise. "Oh...That's...I didn't expect that..." "You don't have to say anything either" "But I want to say something about it...I think you deserve an answer" Fubuki didn't say anything and waited on what you had to say "I'd love to be your partner, Fubuki. Well, if you're okay with that." He looked at you in surprise, but smiled quite quickly. "Of course, I would be very happy"

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First Date

First date was definitely something special. Fubuki asked Shu for help to plan it. It should definitely be something more private, so no restaurant, cinema or anything like that. Since Fubuki was just learning how to cook from Shu, he decided to have a picnic in the park with food he cooked himself. You had looked for a quiet place and had enjoyed the time very much.

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