Ken Midori catches up

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The next 4 chapters will be characters which catches up and then you'll get again scenarios, cause it's easier for me doing it like it. Sorry for everyone who's waiting for a new scenario. I promise to make it fast, so you don't need to wait for too long.

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First Meeting

You were a member of the Beasts and Ben's best friend.

"Hey (Y/N), do you know where the captain is? He's usually never late." You looked around and indeed there was no sign of Ben. That was not like him. Just as you were about to say something, your captain entered the training room, followed by another boy. "Captain" "Get to work. We have a lot to do" "Aye Captain" The other boys went to practice. Ben and the boy you didn't know came towards you. "Since when are you late?" Ben looked at you. "I showed Ken around the school a little" "Ken?" Ben looked at the black-haired boy next to him. "Nice to meet you" "I'm Keru" "And I'm Besu and this is Ken" "Oh, that's the new guy you were talking about, right?" "Yes" "Well then, welcome Ken. I'm (Y/N). Nice to meet you too. If you need anything, tell me. I'll be happy to help"

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Becoming friends

It was quite late when Ken had packed his things and wanted to go home. You had been training for quite a long time, so he was quite surprised that you were still training in the training room.

At first you didn't noticed him because he just stood at the door and looked into the room. Only when Keru spoke up did you look up: "You have to keep your arm holding the launcher still. It trembled slightly when you started." "You saw this from far away?" Ken blushed slightly. "It's important that you keep your arm still, then you'll get a much better start. But before you test that, you'd better go home." "Yes, exactly. It's getting late and the school will be closing soon" "But I have to do it by the next championship" Ken thought for a moment before Besu spoke up: "Is there maybe a park with an arena? We could go there and train... Well, if you want to train with me" " Would you train with me? That would be really nice. Thanks" "No need to thank me"

You trained until the evening before you went home. You were really grateful for Ken's help.

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Ken didn't know how to deal with it. Every time you spoke to him, he would blush completely and Keru and Besu would babble slightly.

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Confess Feelings

Your training session was over and everyone packed their bags to go home, including you. "Hey (Y/N)..." You looked at Ken. "What's up?" "I think...we have to tell you something" "Okay, what is it?" Ken looked at Keru and Besu for a while. "I...I really like you...and well...I thought...We...we might...go out for ice cream...if you want..." You were a bit surprised when you heard Ken's voice for the very first time. "...(Y/N)...?" Only when he spoke to you again did you realize that you had been silent for a long time. "Sorry...Well...Yes, I'd like to have ice cream with you" "Good...We'll let you know when and where" "Well then...See you on Monday" And he was gone.

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