Zac catches up

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Catch up 2/4

Enjoy Zac's catch up ^^

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First Meeting

"Zac? That's (Y/N), they're the new background dancer" You were introduced to the Super Star. Honestly, you've dreamed of meeting Zac the Sun Sunrise in person for a long time. You had practiced hard for it and overcome many hurdles just to be here today and be a dancer for Zac. "Nice to meet you" You were really nervous. "For my part. Sacila has already told me about you and your talent. It's a pleasure to work with such a talented dancer." "Oh please, you're exaggerating...It's an honor to work with a star like you" "If its ok with you I would like to see your skills with my own eyes" "That wouldn't be a problem"

What to say? You were on stage with Zac at his next gig.

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Become Friends

You quickly became Zac's go-to person when it came to choreography. "(Y/N), we have to change something about the new choreo again" "Sure, what's the point?" "I'm going to ask you that. I heard during rehearsal that there was a passage you didn't quite like and that you would like to change something" "Yes, but that's really not necessary. If you like this version best, I'll stick to it" "Show me your version please" Zac and you had been working on the choreography all night and ended up with a choreo that you both liked.

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You were always at his concerts. Even when he was blading, you were always there. Eventually Zac understood that you weren't just a normal dancer for him anymore. Since then he had avoided you.

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"(Y/N) have you talked to Zac about the new choreography yet?" "No, he didn't have time" "Then go see him now. You know it's important." Sighing, you got up and made your way to see Zac. This time you couldn't be put off, after all these performances were extremely important for you. When you got to his cabin, you knocked. "Who's there?" "It's me, (Y/N)" "I'm busy right now" "It's important" "My rehearsals are important too" "Now let me in Zac! It's up to the new choreography" "Talk to Sacila" "She has told me earlier that I should go to you and discuss it with you. I don't feel like playing your games. Open up now or I'll quit" Suddenly the door opened. "You can't quit! I'll never find someone as talented as you." You crossed your arms. "What's up Zac?" "What should be?" "You've been acting weird for a while now" "I'm not" "You wouldn't if you hadn't answered like that. So what's up?" Zac's head turned red and looked away. "Zac, come on. We're friends, so you can sa-" "I REALLY LIKE YOU!" You were a bit surprised when he suddenly got so loud. "I like you too Zac" "No,notlikelike! Imeanlikeinthesenseofloving! Iloveyou(Y/N)" Zac had spoken so quickly, it took you a moment to catch it. "Oh" Oh?" "I don't mean that in a negative way...It just came as a surprise..." Zac said nothing. "Actually, I would have expected a love song, but now I've seen the embarrassed star in you and I prefer that. Today after the concert, I invite you." You gave him a kiss on the cheek and left.

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First Date

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