Christmas Special

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It's Christmas (so Merry Christmas to all of you) What did he planned for today?

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Homemade cookies, hot chocolate, Christmas movies all day and lots of cuddling. There are also partner onesies, a blue one with ears for him and a (F/C) one with ears for you. His present for you? A recipe book for all kinds of pastries and right at the first page the recipe for Bey bread. You don't know if you should be happy about it, but hey Valt made everything for you with love

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There was dinner at his home. Your favorite meal was the main course and lots of cookies and cocoa for dessert. You had told him months before that you didn't want expensive Christmas presents, but Shu hadn't held back and bought you a a silver ring

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You were ice skating. Honcho hadn't even made it onto the ice when he first stumbled. You tried to be a support for him, which only led to further falls. You'd spent more time getting up without falling on your bum again than you did on skating, but you were having fun and that's what counted. Honcho then apologized again with a bag of sweets and let's be honest: Who couldn't forgive him after such a funny and lovely day?

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Did you even left your room? You were in bed all day cuddling. He had hidden cookies in his room because honestly, you need something like that when a Valt Aoi and a Rantaro Kiyama are up to mischief. It was a quiet and relaxed day, a change when you consider what else you experience all days

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It was his birthday, just a normal day for him. Lui spent it with training. As his partner, you took the time anyway, making him a present and bringing it over. It was a Luinor plushie. You didn't have to bother knowing you were getting nothing in return. But you were surprised when he stood in front of your door and spontaneously wanted to take you out to dinner. You hadn't expected, as less as he had expected, that you would open the door with just a towel around your body...

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You and Silas had spent the evening at the Christmas market. First you bought all sorts of food and then you dared to go to game stands. You were really disappointed when you didn't win the big white stuffed bear, so Silas took over and what can you say? He won award after award for you and at the end of the day he dragged two full bags of stuffed animals back to the BC Sol campus while you happily carried your big bear.

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