First Kiss

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Now that you're in a relationship, the next step is your first kiss...Was it embarrassing? Maybe. Did he kiss you first? Maybe. Let's see...

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You had a little date in the park. Valt had fresh beybread with him, what you were eating. You had already fought a few battles and now you are taking a break. Valt had been more nervous the whole day, which surprised you. When you asked him what was going on, he just mumbled something indistinctly, which you hadn't understood. "He-Hey (Y/N)?" "What's up?" You looked at Valt. "Can we...can I...may I..." You let him have the time it took as he mostly improvised when his brain couldn't put together a decent sentence. "Can I...I would like to...Well...if it's okay for you..." But apparently Valt was doomed today and his mouth was just stammering. "Valt, stop joking around" "No...I made up my mind to tell ask you...I mean..." It was getting on your nerves. The blue-haired teen took a deep breath. "(Y/N)...May" Before he could finish asking you your lips were already on his. You just wanted to silence him, but Valt wouldn't let go of you. He literally pressed himself against you, which is why you tilted backwards when you could no longer keep your balance and since you were still kissing, you pulled him with you. Valt propped himself up to the left and right of you while your lips were still on each other. Your tongues nudged each other, causing you to part. "Sorry..." came from Valt, puffing, while you lay under him with red cheeks. "It's okay..." Valt came closer to you and your noses touched. "I love you, (Y/N)" "I love you too, Valty" He kissed you again, this time gently and briefly, but it was the best feeling for you to be kissed by him.

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It was movie night at Shu's home. You sat together with him in the living room...or to be more precise he sat with your head on his lap. You talked him into watching high school musical with you, and since he loved you so much, he did you a favor. It was getting late and you were snuggled up in a blanket. Shu gently stroked your (H/C) hair. When he looked down at you, you had your eyes closed and your breathing was calm. Shu carefully picked you up without waking you up and carried you into his room. When you were in bed, he turned on his bedside lamp and off the TV in the living room and then slipped over to you under the warm blanket. He was about to turn off the lamp when his gaze fell on your lips. He leaned down and put his lips on yours. He had propped himself up on the side of your head so as not to fall on you. His eyes were closed but he could feel the smile on your lips. To keep him from stopping, you pulled him closer to deepen the kiss. Shu pulled away from you after a few seconds and looked into your (e/c) eyes. "(Y/N) ...?" You just smiled at him. He was surprised that you were awake but he could count one and one together and just shook his head. "I love you, Shu" "I love you too, (Y/N)" You pulled him into a kiss again. You would do everything to got a kiss from him, even pretending to sleep.

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You didn't want to give it, but it annoyed you very much that Rantaro would rather chew on his lollipop than kiss you. "Do you want something too, (Y/N)?" You looked up at him. You stood at the kiosk where he always bought his lollipops and other sweets. Rantaro had already got his order and was now looking at you. "No...No, everything's fine. I don't need anything" "All right" Rantaro paid and took the bag with his sweets. You made your way to his home. "All good, (Y/N)? You seem so absent" "As I said, everything is good" You entered the building where your boyfriend lived and took the elevator to get to the floor where he and his family lived. "I can tell that something is wrong. Come on (Y/N), I'm your boyfriend" "Would you just stop sucking your lollipop?" Rantaro took his lollipop out of his mouth. "I thought you had no problem with that" "Neither have I but not if I...well...If I..." "If you what?" "If I...want ki..." You took a deep breath and looked into Rantaro's brown eyes. "When I want to kiss you" Rantaro looked at you and leaned down to you. "Then do it" Your cheeks blushed and stood on tiptoe to kiss him. Your lips were on his. It wasn't a long kiss, because the elevator stopped a few seconds later and you had to get out. When you entered the Kiyama family's apartment and Rantaro closed the door behind you, you stood on tiptoe again and pulled the lollipop out of his mouth. He expected another kiss from you, but you just smiled and put the lollipop between your lips before disappearing into the living room. Rantaro just shook his head, took a new lollipop out of the bag and walked with it in his mouth to the kitchen. Oh yes, he loved you more than he loved sweets and he'll show you it.

Beyblade Burst Boyfriend ScenarioWhere stories live. Discover now