He cooks for you

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He wants to surprise you with a self cooked food...What will happen?

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When you got to his home, you could already smell the burnt food. When you rang the doorbell, Toko and Nika opened the door for you. In the background you could hear that his mom was pretty angry. "WAAAH I'M SORRY, MOM!!! I'M SO SORRY!" You just sighed.

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He can cook so don't worry about anything

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It started out pretty well. Cutting the ingredients didn't cause any complications, and preparing the lasagna went smoothly. It would have been perfect...if Honcho hadn't left the lasagna in the oven.

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You knew that he could cook, but that he could make a 3-course meal within a few hours, surprised you. He was probably the best at everything

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You were confused when you heard that he was pretty angry. Since he was speaking to someone, you thought that he had brought Gabe or another member of Rideout to help. When you peeked into the kitchen, you saw him screaming at the food in the pan. Let's just pretend you never saw this. Incidentally, his food was eatable...

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Silas had a gift for cooking. Really. When he was serving your favorite food, you had to eye it first. It was neither burned nor looked like it had been bought. Silas looked at you skeptically as you carefully shoved a fork into your mouth and damn it was delicious.

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He invited you to his home. You worried that his parents and sister weren't home, after all, Aiger wasn't a good cook. Was it so good to leave him alone? When you opened the door and went into the house, you were surprised that it didn't smell like anything burned. Then when he served the food, you were stunned to see that the food looked good. It smelled nice too. You were happy and when you put the fork in your mouth, the taste unfolded in your mouth. The taste of salt...a lot of salt....Too much salt!

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He had listed many dishes for you that he would cook for you. You knew Ranjiro was just showing off so you didn't care what he cooked. When you were at his home, he had served the toast. "What about your 3-course menu?" Cap'n scratched the back of his head, embarrassed. "I didn't have all the ingredients ... But next time I'll cook it for you" You grinned. "I am looking forward to it"

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Sandwiches...He made sandwiches

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Delta was a better cook than you thought. He cooked pasta and it was really tasty. It was just a small thing, but you enjoyed it. You knew he wouldn't cook often, but if he did you would enjoy it to the last bite.

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Hikaru has a knack for cooking. He had got a lot of recipes from his father and had made one of your favorites afterwards. You never would have thought that there was nothing better than Mister Hizashi's food, but Hikaru's food was just divine.

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You didn't even let him in the kitchen. He pouted but let's be honest. If he were to cook, you would no longer have a home

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You knew he would never cook anything for you. So you went to your favorite restaurant before and ordered food. When you entered his apartment and didn't find him on the sofa as usual, you looked for him. You were totally surprised when you found him cooking in the kitchen while Harry was pushing ingredients to his master.

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You didn't know where the food came from and Ukyo didn't tell you either. But one thing you did know, it was delicious. Maybe Ukyo was a cooking Ninja

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Ren Wu

Ren's cooking skills were definitely special. That he used that as training was surprising. He had prepared a Borrito bowl for you and it was spicy. Very spicy...you could have breathed fire

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When you walked into his apartment, you found it to be pure chaos. Pans, plates, pots...Everything was broken...Even the stove. "I can explain..." "You don't have to...You really don't have to"

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Gabe had watched tutorials hours earlier to cook you something edible and delicious. He had talked for hours on the phone with the other members of Rideout, even with Lui, who had more useful tips than Kyo, Shinki and Katana together and that should mean something. At the end of the day, he served you your favorite food. You'd give it a 9 out of 10.

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