Cuza Ackermann catches up

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Last catch up for now ☆

You can still request characters but I'll work after this chapter on a bigger one, so it'll take some time ☆


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First meeting

You are Clio's sibling and when your family joined the circus you met him. You and Clio walked around the circus square and looked around to see what was there. You entered the main tent, where rehearsals for the next show were already taking place. You had lost Clio to the clowns while still looking around. You went backstage where all sorts of things were standing around. "One more time! One more time!" You were surprised when you heard this very extraordinary voice. You walked in the direction that voice was coming from and spotted a boy with a funny hairdo standing on a tightrope. A white bird flew around him. You watched the boy walk the rope without losing his balance. You automatically started clapping, which made the boy look up. "Oh, sorry...I didn't mean to scare you" He didn't say anything. "I'm (Y/N), my family and I are new to the circus" "Cuza..." "Are you practicing for your performance?" He just nodded as the bird perched on his shoulder. "I can't wait to see the show" "(Y/N)?" "My brother is calling me. See you later" You waved and left.

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Becoming friends

You and Clio used to play with Cuza, but he didn't really see you as friends. Especially not when Clio had performed a magic trick on him and cut him into three pieces. Since then, Cuza has been afraid of you guys, or at least of Clio. You found him in one of the farthest corners of the tent. "Hello..." Cuza looked at you with red eyes. "Go away" Cuza tried to wipe away all the tears. You pulled a red cloth out of your trouser pocket and with a movement of your hand it became a handkerchief, which you handed to him. "I'm sorry about what Clio did to you...He really didn't mean to scare you but he doesn't know when to stop..." Cuza took the handkerchief from you. While he wiped away his tears, you made birdseed out of pebbles. Cuza's bird landed on your hand and started eating the food. "Your magicians are funny" "I practice a lot
" "Can you do a card trick too?" You raised your arm and shook cards out of your sleeve. "I can do a lot" You and Cuza spent the rest of the day showing him all kinds of tricks. He was very enthusiastic about your tricks and you got along pretty well.

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After some time you and your family had to leave the circus again. You and Cuza were very sad that you will no longer see each other. But fate had something else planned for you. You were accepted into a BeyClub made up of circus people, Top Wand. On the very first day, you walked into a boy and when you saw him properly, you recognized the hairstyle. "Cuza? Is that you?" He looked at you for a while. "(Y/N)?" He was just as surprised as you were. "Ha! I knew it was you." You happily took him in your arms. He blushed realizing that you hadn't forgotten him...And that you hugged him. "Yes...It's nice to see you again" You were able to spend a lot of time together again, doing magic and bladen. And every time you praised him, he blushed.

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Confess Feelings

You had spent a lot of time together again and Cuza was even more impressed with you, your magic tricks and your balding skills. "(Y/N)?" You were rehearsing for a performance when Cuza walked into your room. "Oh, hey Cuza. Are you okay?" You dropped the cards in your hand and walked towards him. "Yes, I'm fine...can we talk?" "Sure, what's it about?" Cuza tapped his index fingers together and considered. "Wah! Cuza is in love with you" You looked at Carl who was flying around you. "Carl!!!" Cuza tried to catch his bird. "Is that true?" he looked at you "So...Uhm..." "Yeah" "Carl!" "Cuza...please tell me" He looked down. "Yes..." You approached him and took him in your arms. "...(Y/N)..." "Shall we go out?" Cuza blushed. "...G-Gladly..."

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