Gabe Brunai catches up

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I think Gabe deserves more love so I'll add him to this book ☆

First Meeting

You were looking for a club in your new school. There was the art club, all kinds of ball sports clubs, cooking club and photography club. Not really what you would like. Since it looked good on your report card, you were dying to join a club, but you didn't know which one. You wanted to do sports, but you were pretty clumsy when it came to various sports. Sighing, you sat down against a wall. It wasn't busy anymore as classes were long over, just as almost all clubs had finished their lessons. It was hopeless. At least that's what you thought before you heard loud noises. They came from the room across from you. You slid across the floor to see through the open door. There were strange things on the floor in the room and a boy with brown hair was standing on one of these things. He seemed to be focused on something that was apparently moving in one of those round things. You got up slowly because somehow it had piqued your interest. When you looked at the sign next to the door, you learned that it was the Beyblade Club. You had heard of it before, but you didn't know what it was exactly. Your legs carried you closer to the door and you looked around the corner to watch the boy. A good 30 minutes passed when he looked up and your eyes met. Neither of you said anything. Your head just turned red and you ran away.

Becoming Friends

The next day you gathered all your courage and during lunch break you went to the room where you had observed the boy the day before. The room was fuller than yesterday and many students were standing around the arenas. You did a little research on the Beyblade sport and even bought yourself a Bey and a launcher. It could be a catastrophe, but it might not. You looked around the room to find a teacher somewhere who was responsible for the club, but there were only students there. "Are you looking for something?" You winced and turned around just to see the brown haired boy from yesterday. There were three other boys standing behind him. "I... Uhm...I want...I wanted...I thought...I want to join the Beyblade Club" "There are a lot of Beyblade clubs at the school" "Really?" The brown-haired male pointed to a list on the wall. You go up to it and read it through. Fire Beys...Destroyers...Ride Out...They all sounded a bit strange, but you made up your mind. You looked back at the four boys. "Tell me...where can I find the captain of Ride Out?" The boys looked at you like you were an alien. "Uhm...Did I say the wrong thing?" "Do you have any experience of blading at all?" "Not really...but I want to change that!" "Ride Out is a strong team. Weaklings are not tolerated. Do you think you can keep up with them?" "I think if I try I should make it" "Good, because I don't want to regret taking you in" You looked at him. "How?... Where?...What?..." You didn't understand anything. He held out his hand. "Gabe Brunai. Captain of team Ride Out" That came as a surprise. "Uh...Uhm...(Y/N)...(Y/N) (L/N)" You shook his hand. "Learn the basics by tomorrow and meet me back here after school. When you have the basics, you can join us." "Aye Aye Captain!" You went backwards. "You won't regret taking me in" You slammed against the wall. "Oops..." You smiled and went back to the front to leave the room. When you tried to turn around to the door, you slammed into the next wall. Gabe looked at you skeptically. You look for where the door was and you went towards it. "Not regret!" And with that you left the room.

You trained all afternoon to somehow master the basics. The next afternoon you met Gabe and the other three at the Beyblade Club. You were nervous, no question about it, but you still managed to land your Bey well. Well, although you had lost all the battles, Gabe was impressed by your ambition to win at least one point. You actually manage to take points from Shinki, Katana and Kyo with Ring Out or Survivor Finishes. You became a member of the club with extra training and despite your clumsiness, you didn't give up.

Beyblade Burst Boyfriend ScenarioWhere stories live. Discover now