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How to make him blush?

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You and Valt were supposed to meet at 8 am to practice. It was the weekend, so you figured your boyfriend would be late. But even half an hour later there was no trace of the blue-haired teen. So you went to his house.

"Oh, good morning (Y/N)" Valt's mother greeted you as you entered the bakery. "Good morning. Where's Valt?" "I think he's still asleep. He got home from his practice late yesterday." You sighed. "Actually, we were supposed to meet at 8" "He didn't say anything about that. You're welcome to wake him up." "Okay, thanks" You went through the door that led to the Aoi's living area. You went upstairs and towards Valt's room. At first you just wanted to go into the room but then you remember the one time so you knocked. There was no answer so you opened the door. Valt lay in his bed and slept. You sighed and walked towards his bed. Valt slept peacefully. Somehow he looked cute and it was almost a shame to wake him up. You grabbed his cheeks and started tugging. "Valt! Get up" Nothing. "Valt!" You pulled harder but again nothing. "Someone is stealing Valtryek!"

Valt opened his eyes and jumped up. You flew out of his bed. "Ow..." "VALTRYEK!" Valt looked at his bedside table where his bey lay. He breathed out relieved. "You're fine" "I'm fine too...thanks for asking" Brown met (E/C). It took Valt a little while to realize you were in his room. "WAAAH! (Y/N)?!" He fell out of his bed. "Wha-What are you doing here?" Red cheeked, he pulled his blankets to him and hid his hearty boxer shorts, which he wasn't wearing anything over. You got up "Get dressed! We're late" With that you left his room and closed the door.

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Shu rarely blushed. But you knew how to make him do it.

You were out with your best friend and told Shu that you would join him and the others later. You agreed on the arena in the park, where you finally arrived. Shu was just fighting Wakiya, so you could sneak up. When Valt saw you, you showed him to shut up or you'd smack him, so he said nothing. The track was clear, so you took a running start and jumped onto Shu. He wasn't expecting you, which is why he lost his balance and you fell to the ground. "(Y-Y/N)" Shu blushed as you lay on top of him and then in front of the others too. You grinned and kissed him. What made him blushing even more.

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You had arranged to meet the Honcho in town to spend the afternoon together, but he was too late. "(Y/N)!" Rantaro stumbled down the stairs and came to you. "Sorry you had to...wait!" Honcho was out of breath. "You could have just written me that you would be later" "Yes....But...I wanted...I missed the bus....I ran..." He pulled your favorite candy from his backpack. "For you..." He couldn't get out more between panting. He held out the pack to you. "Thanks but why?" You took the pack. "There's no reason...Just wanna happy" "Oh Honcho" You pulled him into a hug and he blushed. "Thank you" "Uh...You're welcome..."

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Free had a weak point but you didn't know it.

You and Free often trained together in the forest and his training wasn't easy. It always started at 5 a.m. and went on until late at night, which is why you were often quite tired. "I need a break, Free" You lower yourself to the ground and lean against a log. "You should take a break too." You patted the ground next to you while Free did more pull-ups. "I don't have time for breaks" "5 minutes" You pulled a water bottle from your backpack and held it in his direction. Free sighed and let go of the branch. He sat down next to you and the five minutes grew. You eat together to regain your strength. In the end half an hour had passed. "Okay, let's continue" Free wanted to get up, but you wouldn't let him, since your head lied on his shoulder. When the blonde looked at you, he noticed that you had fallen asleep. Free wanted to push you off him to continue training, but you wrapped your arms around him and pulled him closer to you. "Free..." The blond blushed when you said his name while you slept and started to smile.

Beyblade Burst Boyfriend ScenarioWhere stories live. Discover now