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Them as Yandere. What type of Yandere are they and who would be their enemies?

Warning considers sensitive topics as manipulation, blackmailing, violence, death and more. Please don't read it if such topics trigger you...Stay safe ♡

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Type: Pure Yandere

This type genuinely believes that their violent actions are expressions of love and affection, without any malicious intent. They may view themselves as simply protecting their love interest, unaware of the harm they cause.



🩸Valt struggles with jealousy, unable to bear the thought of you interacting with others. Even innocent interactions with friends or acquaintances can trigger feelings of insecurity and resentment within him, leading to irrational outbursts or possessive behavior

🩸His love knows no bounds, as he becomes increasingly fixated on you. He goes to great lengths to ensure your happiness and safety, even if it means isolating you from friends and family members whom he perceives as potential threats to your relationship

🩸Despite his outwardly lovrly demeanor, Valt's relationships are often marked by a pattern of emotional manipulation and control. He uses guilt-tripping and gaslighting tactics to keep you dependent on him, convincing you that his actions are motivated solely by love and concern

🩸Valt's possessive behavior escalates over time, as he becomes increasingly paranoid and distrustful of your intentions. He resorts to extreme measures to monitor your activities, including installing tracking devices on your phone or hiring private investigators to spy on you

🩸Whenever Valt sees someone getting too close to you, he experiences a surge of possessiveness and jealousy. To him, it's a natural instinct to eliminate any perceived threats to your relationship, as he believes he's the only one capable of truly understanding and protecting you

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Type: Overprotective Yandere

This Yandere type is inclined to safeguard, shield, or carefully supervise their Darling to an obsessive degree. They never leave their Darling alone, and they don't know how to balance their concern with respect for their Darling's independence and freedom. They believe they're acting in their beloved's best interest, but they come across as overbearing, bossy, or controlling.



🩸He becomes increasingly paranoid and delusional, convinced that anyone who shows even the slightest interest in you is a potential threat to you safety or his relationship with you. He may go to extreme lengths to investigate and confront perceived threats, even if they turn out to be harmless or nonexistent

🩸Shu becomes increasingly possessive and territorial, marking you as his property in both subtle and overt ways. He may leave visible marks or symbols on your belongings or body to assert his ownership and discourage others from encroaching on what he sees as his territory

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