Phi catches up

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Here is Phi's catch up. Took my longer than expected but it's hard for me to write scenarios for characters I don't like much ._. But I tried my best so hope you enjoy

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First Meeting

You met the twins quite early. Your parents and their father were business partners and you met the twins at a conference. You quickly realized that the elder, Phi, was quite bossy and didn't always make it easy for his little brother, Hyde. "Give it to me!" Phi snatched the ball from his brother. "But Phi! (Y/N) kicked the ball to me" "And you kindly give it to me, is that clear" "Yes" Phi kicked the ball back to you, which you catch. You shot him at Hyde, who turned to his brother. "Hyde! Shoot to me" "But..." "No, shoot to me" "Hyde!" Hdye didn't know what to do but shot the ball to you on instinct. "Hey!" "Change direction, Phi. You're shooting to your brother now" "Why should I?" "Good, then Hyde and I play alone" "Hm...good"

You were the only person who dared to say something against Phi and even to do it.

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Becoming friends

Because of your parents' cooperation, you kept seeing the twins. Hyde and you were good friends. The thing with Phi... It was complicated. So you got along well... He even found it fascinating that you don't let him intimidate you, but at the same time it bothered him. Still, he didn't seem to have anything against you and you got on well together.

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Getting Feelings

Later you met again and again. And even then, Phi was fascinated by you and the way you contradicted him. You gave him your opinion, no matter what it was and how he reacted to it. You weren't scared of him and he found that very remarkable. It was weird that he found you so interesting. You, who always contradicted him. He had never felt the kind of feelings he felt for you... What was going on?

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Phi cursed these sudden and strange feelings for you. Why did he only get this for you? What was so special about you?! Phi's nerves were blank. He just didn't get it and that was the worst part for him!

You startled when he suddenly stood in front of you. "Phi! Are you crazy?!" "Explain it to me" "What?" "Those feelings!" "What? What are you even talking about?" "Every time you're near me I get these weird feelings! Tell me why?!" "I don't even know what feelings you mean" "This racing heart! This trembling! What is that?! Why does it only happen to you?!" "How am I supposed to know what you're feeling?" "You're the expert here on that." "I have problems of my own to take care of" You wanted to leave, but Phi stopped you. "You know something, don't you?" "What?! No!" "(Y/N) we've known each other for 10 years now! We didn't always hit it off but I know what makes you tick and how you react in certain situations and if you're hiding something from me or Hyde you always try to escape, so speak up!" "I'm not hiding anything!" "Don't take me for a fool!" You wanted to escape from this situation but Phi wouldn't let you. Slightly desperate, you try to get away but it didn't work. "Let go of me, Phi!" "Only when you reveal what your problem is" "I have no problem!" "(Y/N)!" Phi didn't like that you were so obviously lying to his face. He was visibly angry, but his expression changed quickly when he saw tears running down your cheeks.

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