Theodore Glass catches up

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Never thought I'd make a chapter about this dude O^O But now I'm here and now you're here and now we're all here O^O
Let's start with this catch up

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First meeting

You recently worked in the Empire State Building and weren't too used to working in such a huge building. You searched for the specific room you were supposed to work in from now on and stood in front of the huge map while muttering to yourself over and over again.

Just as you were getting desperate, you spotted a man walking towards the elevator. You immediately ran in his direction. "Excuse me, could you tell me where I can find the Design Studio?" He looked at you with his cyan eyes. You couldn't read his gaze, but to remain polite you kept smiling at him. "Eighth floor" His answer was short but rather brusque. "Immediately when I get off the elevator or do I still have to go through somewhere?" He seemed to study you and sighed slightly. "I'll show you" "That's really nice of you" He accompanied you to the design studio and you thanked him warmly again.

Unknowing that he wasn't actually that helpful and that you triggered something strange in him.

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Becoming Friends

You met this man more and more and eventually you were assigned to help him with a project. His name was Theodore Glass and he was the owner of the Raging Bulls, the Beyblade Club, which was here in the Empire State Building. "I didn't know there was a Beyclub here" You were quite intrigued as you used to love to blade and you still loved it. "You are interested in Beyblade?" "Yes, but I hardly have time for it. Work comes first" "That's understandable, but if you're interested you can come by" "What's the honor for me? I've heard that it's not easy to join the Raging Bulls" "That's true but maybe you're just lucky" "Hmm...maybe yes"

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Getting Feelings

From there you were often with the Raging Bulls. At first it was actually because of Blading but then...then it was just because of him, Theodore Glass. It was weird that you got along so well with him and he was so open with you. What you heard was that Mister Glass was definitely not a company man and yet he spent a lot of time with you.

There was a reason for that. Theodore fell in love with you the moment he first saw you. Love at sight, he had never believed in that, but you made it possible. He was in love like never before. The whole time it was just you on his mind, which in some ways bothered him a lot. You were good looking and attractive but he really shouldn't be distracted by you but it was impossible not to be distracted by you. At least for someone like him who was in love.

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You and Theo had become good friends and fittingly, you used to go out for a coffee as friends. It was after your work and winter, so a warm drink would do you good. "That warms your fingers nicely" You held the warm cup with your drink firmly in your hands while you walked through the crowded market square. It was just before Christmas so it was quite busy. But you were used to it from your work, where there was a lot going on. "How are you spending Christmas, Theo?" He looked at you as if you had asked him a totally complex question. "I work" "Really? No gatherings with family or friends?" "No, it's not a must, is it?" "No but I thought you were doing something special" "Are you doing something special?" "I'm in a different place for the first time this year and I'm all alone. But I won't be working either. I'll probably relax and spend the day quietly" "I could come by if you don't want to be alone..." " Isn't your job that important after all?" "It's nothing special. If it's necessary, I can also do it afterwards" "Hey, I don't want to stop you from doing something you've already planned" "You're not stopping me from anything. I think a change of pace doesn't hurt." "Sure? You're a workerholic. Or was that a lie and the truth is you're seeing your family, which you don't want to do" "If only it was like this..." "What is then? What's the real reason you'd rather spend Christmas with me than with your work?" Theodore looked around and then suddenly pulled you into an alley. "What's up?" "I don't want to discuss this in public" "That's right. Public figure" "I just have my privacy" "Understandable. So what's up?" "I...I'm in love...with you" You were a little surprised. "Oh wow...that's surprising..." "I just want to know more about you...get to know you better, so I want to be with you for the holidays..." "That's really sweet of you, Theo. Honestly, I didn't think you could fall in love with someone like me..." "Why shouldn't I? And what do you mean by 'someone like you'? You're a wonderful person" "I mean just...if I had known that you didn't care who you wanted to be with, I would have told you sooner that I fell in love with you too" "So you would spend Christmas with me?" "Of course, I'd love to"

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