Chapter 26

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Catalina's POV


I was getting annoyed.

Mostly because the moment Sebastian and I entered the Academy's main hall four days later everyone offered to either carry my books, open doors, ask how we are, and mostly push Sebastian who's in a wheelchair. And must I say he almost fell off twice.

My peers are being nice but everyone fluttering around is making me feel a bit claustrophobic.

" Did you do the chemistry lab?" Harry asked the moment I sat besides him in AP Lit.

" What Chemistry lab?"

" The one we had for homework last night?" I let out a curse.

" Son of a bitch!"

" Language Miss. Catalina!" The Scrooge of our teacher Mrs. Holly scowled from where she stood before the white board writing down God knows what.

" Sorry." I give her a smile and she narrows her beady eyes.

" Being charming and cute won't help. Detention. Lunch." My jaw drops and I hear snickers from my classmates

" Detention!? That's absurd!" I cried.

" Want to make it all week?" Clenching my jaw I shut up and looked back down at my notebook.

The bell rang and the classed commenced.

We were talking about the Mary Shelly book, Frankenstein. It's the current book we are reading. Of course Mrs. Holly knew I haven't read the book for I've been out the last two days and she called on me to answer every question leaving me in ridicule as I said I don't know what the answer is. She just gave a smug smile. Bitch.

I was glad the class was over but that just meant lunch and I had detention.

Mrs. Holly made me scrape any gum during my detention. It was disgusting and she refused to give me any gloves let alone a face mask. Thankfully after those twenty minutes I quickly went off to the bathroom to wash my hands.

I only had ten minutes of lunch left and hurried to the dinning hall. I grabbed a slice of pizza a water bottle and headed to our usual table where Harry was helping Salem with her Calculus homework.

" Hey guys!" I said once I sat down. Harry an Salem said muttered hellos.

" How was detention?" Luke asked with one of his usual lazy grins.

" Had to scrape gum from under the tables." One of his eyebrows went up in distaste.

" I must applaud you for doing such disgusting manual labor." I grunted and took a bite of my pizza.

" Where's Sebastian?" I asked surprised not to see him sitting with us.

" Left to the bathroom with Nate."

" Nate?"

" Yeah. He's gonna help him take a piss after I said I didn't want to go. I wasn't going to hold his dick for him." I almost snorted out my drink.

" Really? From what I heard you don't mind having a dick in your hands." His eyes narrowed as I remind him of the time we went to Barbados.

" I was highly intoxicated. I wasn't myself."

" Keep telling yourself that." He grunted.

" So how's your arm?" I glanced down at my covered arm. I was wearing a sweater just so no one can see the horrendous stitches.

" Good." He nods.

" So, what are you going to do?" My eyebrows furrowed.

" Today? Well I was planning on going to pick up this diamond necklace I left on hold at the jewlers. After that just homework. Why?" Knowing Luke he'll want to hang out or do something illegal. Then again when isn't he doing anything illegal?

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