Chapter 53

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Catalinas POV

I hate long flights. I mean who wouldn't? You're up thousands of feet in the sky in an aircraft that can explode any moment. Of course it's like a million in once chance that it'll explode but still. There's the nasty food and the people. Let alone the annoying kids. Why fly with children? I swear there should be a section in the airplane for parents and their irritating ugly kids.

" You okay?" I looked up from the stupid magazine- I got it at a stand- at Dimitri. A worried look in his blue eyes. The same worried look he's had since the explosion.

" Great." I say with a strained smile.

" You don't look great." He comments as I angrily turned the page for my magazine.

" I'll be even better if that damn kid shuts up." I grumbled as I nodded in the direction of the screaming kid two rows before us.

Dimitri let out a chuckle. " I guess we could've gotten better seats."

" You think!?" I scoffed.

" Need anything?" I turned to face the hostess. She's a pretty middle aged women with brown hair and dull brown eyes.

" We're fine." Dimitri answers on our behalf. Well his. I was about to ask if she could shut that kid up.

The women nods and goes to attend others.

When we first got on the airplane I was relieved that I was finally going home. I was finally going to be able to shower in my own bathroom and sleep in my own bed! I missed my bed! Still I didn't want to leave. Especially not Alek who was in terrible mental condition. I'm no therapist or doctor but by the means of our conversation I'll state him as suicidal. Revenge sounds great but not if it'll possibly get you killed in the end! Still he argued with me and at the end here I am. In this damn airplane sitting next to Dimitri.

I must say its been awkward sitting next to him. Mostly since we haven't spoken about us or anything. I don't want to talk. Not here. Not surrounded by all these people. I know myself enough to know that I am petty and stubborn enough to lock myself in the bathroom for the rest of the flight if our talk hits a nerve.

God! Why couldn't I have sat next to Sebastian? He's up head near the front. Sitting next to Stephan and some pretty blonde who he's chatting up. He's having a better time then I am.

" Catalina?" I turned to Dimitri.

" What?"

He opens his mouth to say something but ends up clearing his throat.

" Nevermind. Later." I just raise a brow.

" Okay?"

Turning back to my magazine I can feel Dimitri staring at me. It caused goosebumps to raid my skin and my heart to fasten.

I can believe he still has this damn effect on me. Capable of making me feel breathless and all-

" You're blushing." Dimitri says besides me with a grin.

" What?" I almost shouted. Thankful that some of my hair is shielding my very flushed face.

" You're blushing. You always turned red when you know I'm staring at you." He said in an amusing tone.

" It's just warm in here. I mean I'm wearing this heavy coat." I excuse.

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