Chapter 56

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Footsteps coming my way caught my attention.

Quickly blinking the tears away I half expected to see that Dimitri had returned. It wasn't him but Stephan.

" If you should know Dimitri and I won't ever happen." I croaked.

" I know." He said.

" You must be happy." He didn't say anything. Instead he surprisingly sat down besides me.

" Here." He held out a napkin. I took it and cleaned my face with it. He just took out a cigarette and lit it.

A comfortable silence is over us. I don't mind it. The two of us sitting in silence feels almost peaceful. Stephan smoking a cigarette. The smoke pillars around us. Making intricate designs in the air. I can almost ignore the hurt I'm feeling. Can almost forget what must happened. Yet I can't.

Never will I be ever to forget that. No form of alcohol or drugs can help me ever forget that. It'll be forever engraved into me. Burned deep down into my mind. Enough that it'll haunt me day and night. Even in my dreams.

" If you should know, Dimitri was going to divorce Isis." Stephan suddenly said. " He told me that when we were in Russia. Again after we found you with Stark. Said that once we arrived back here he'll divorce her. Claimed it was the worse mistake of his life marrying your sister. I'm his best friend. As his best friend sometimes I have to say what was on my mind. Tell it how it is. No sugar coating. I told him he was an idiot. Not for marrying your sister but to think he even has a chance with you again."

I gave him a flabbergasted look.

" You know very well that you don't love him. You love Alekzander. Don't deny it. You love Alekzander and he must love you as well. You once loved Dimitri I'm sure but not anymore.

That's why I thought Dimitri was being an idiot. You've fallen in love with Alekzander. It'll be stupid for him to divorce Isis. Yes he is deeply in love with you but he'll move on. He'll learn how to love your sister. Even more that they are having a child. 

I will say I was thankful when Isis announced last night that she's expecting a child. It was exactly what he needed to hear and know before he gave her the divorce papers. He burned them. This morning. Family is after all Dimitris greatest weakness.

What did surprise me was that he himself had the courage to let you go. It must hurt him but he did it and I'm glad."

When he finished I was quiet as I processed it all. Stephan knew from the very beginning hat we weren't going to be together. He knew but Dimitri had hope that the two of us can be something. He had faith. I mentally scoffed. Not that it matters anymore. We won't work. Not now. Not ever because Stephan is right on one thing. I do love Alekzander. If not even a bit more then I did Dimitri.

" I am glad as well." I mumbled.

" I'm sorry Catalina. Really but it's for the best. For him."

" I know."

Stephan blew out some more smoke before he stood up.

" I'm leaving to France tonight. Have some things to take care of. I guess this is goodbye between the two of us." He said.

Looking up at him I couldn't help but smile.

" You are a good best friend Stephan. You have good intentions."

" Good intentions?" He rose a brow. " Wouldn't call it that."

" What would you call it?"

" Me unable to stand you." I scoffed.

" Same can be said to you. Goodbye Stephan."

" Goodbye Catalina."

Smirking at me Stephan gave me one final nod before he walked off.

Alone in the garage I let out a sigh as I ran a hand through my hair.

In love with Alekzander. I am in love with him?

I bit my bottom lip.

Stephan is right. I do love Alek. I am in love with his adorable Russian accent. I'm in love with the scars on his face. I'm in love with how his jaw clenches when he's angry. I'm in love with his everything. Even if he did kidnap me and is apart of the Russian mob. I love Alekzander.

Now all I needed to make this a sappy romance movie is for him to burst through the door and confess his undying love to me. It'll be a perfect happily ever after. Except he's in Russia getting revenge for his father. And I am going to bed.

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