Chapter 7

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Catalina's POV

We arrived at a secluded house on the outskirts of town. Cars were parked all over the front yard and street. The home was flooded with teenagers and college kids. Walking up towards the house I ignored the looks and wolf whistles I was receiving. I noticed Harry tense at that. I gave his hand a reassuring squeeze.

Inside we were greeted with a wave of hi's and hey's. A group of sophomore girls gasped when they saw Harry. I rolled my eyes as they dramatically fanned themselves. In the living room couches were pushed away to create a makeshift dance floor. A DJ sat by the open windows. The loud music causing the windows and chandelier above to shake. Scanning the crowd I saw Salem no where. Heading for the kitchen I saw Salem sitting on the counter some dude standing between her legs. The moment she saw me over his shoulder she shoved him away and made her way towards me. Grabbing me in a hug.

" Cat! Oh my god! Nate is upstairs with some chick doing the usual. And Serena is god knows where as well as Luke. Hey Harry!" She smiles at Harry.

" Hey Salem."

" Catalina! Harry my man! Glad you two could make it!" Christian, the host of the party said as he walked into the kitchen. Christian is a junior and on the varsity football team. His family is loaded mostly since his mother inherited her grandparents hotel empire. And his sister is a famous Hollywood actress and model.

" How could we miss a great party!" I say which seemed to boost his ego up.

" I'ma steal your boyfriend for a while Cat. Come on dude! Leave the chicks to do their gossiping! Want a beer?" Jason drags Harry out the kitchen and out to the backyard. Harry looks at me over his shoulder and shrugs. I roll my eyes and turn to Salem.

" Salem, I need to talk to you."

" About what?" Looking around I realize that this is not the most perfect place to talk. Especially with so many curious people around us.

" Let's go somewhere private."

Salem and I make our way upstairs. Walking over couples heavily making out on the stairway. A few dudes say perverted comments when they see Salem and I looking for an empty room. We close the bathroom door after we see a threesome going on when we see Melody, the schools goody two shoes, walk out one of the rooms. Her dress was slightly wrinkled. Her hair messy. Cheeks flushed. She looked like a startled deer when she noticed both Salem and I staring quizzically at her.

" Hey Melody you forgot your phone." My jaw drops when none other the Nate walks out the same room, shirtless, barefoot, jeans unzipped, and hair sticking up in weird angles. I hear Salem mutter 'oh my god' in Portuguese. I couldn't have said it better.

" Oh! Thanks I guess." After grabbing her phone from Nate she scurries off past Salem and I. Nate let's out a deep chuckle when he sees the two of us.

" Why do you two always scare the good ones off?" He sighs shaking his head

" Excuse me! Was that Melody!? Aka the nun of the entire school?" Salem says shocked besides me. " I'm so confused." Salem shakes her head ranting off in Portuguese. Nate looks at her as if she's crazy.

" It's not even ten o'clock and you already scored. How am I not surprised?" I say as I walk towards Nate. Nate being the cocky dude smirks.

" Who wouldn't want a piece of this?" He motions down to his six port abs.

" If you're marked then no one will." I motion to the very noticeable love bite on his abs. He let's out a curse when he sees it.

" My moms gonna flip when she sees this!" I roll my eyes and enter the room he currently occupied with Melody. I go and sit on the sofa. Not wanting to go anywhere near the bed. Who knows what sort of stuff is on there.

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