Chapter 60

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If there was one thing I knew at the moment is that I have to go see Alek. I have to go see him. Even if I'm babysitting I'll take little Charlie with me. I don't care. I have to go.

A knock on my bedroom door caused me to jump.

" Yes?" I called as I quickly put the photo and envelope under my pillow.

The door slowly opened. The top of a blond head visible. Soon enough Luke walked inside. In his hands a bag of McDonalds and a cup holder with some shakes and drinks.

" Luke?" I say surprised to see him.

" Uh yeah so I know I usually text you letting you know I'm coming over but well-" he sighed. " Your apology, which I must say was a bit over the top but I know I'm awesome already, is accepted."

" Really? I thought you were still pissed at me. I mean I would make me beg for a while longer."

" It crossed my mind but well you are my best friend. I can't stay mad at you forever. Although even if keeping it a secret was for your own good." He pressed.

" I know. I know and I'm sorry for being a bitch about it last night." I apologize.

" Don't blame you. So, we put all that happened last night behind us? Lock it away and never bring it up again?" He held his hand out. Pinkie finger extended.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

" We are going to pinkie swear? What are we five?"

" Just do it!"

" Fine." I sigh as I hold out my own pinkie. " I promise." I grumbled.

" Because of your attitude I'm eating your fries." He said.

" What?" I cried.

" I bought the food. Practically mine. Although I did you get some chicken nuggets. If you say I'm a genius and the hottest guy in the city I'll give it to you." He grinned.

" Luke you are a genius and the hottest guy in the city." I recite. What can I say? I love chicken nuggets!

" Didn't sound so lively but whatever."he shrugged.

" So uh Luke..." I started as he was taking the food out the bag.

" Yeah?"

" Have you talked to Alek? Like since last night?" I asked.

" Yeah. This morning. We went and got breakfast. Why?" He gave me a look.

" Nothing." So they went out this morning. " Where'd you two go?"

" IHOP. Can you believe he's never been there? He liked the blue berry pancakes. Told him that you love blueberry pancakes. Know what he said?"

" Yeah I do cause I was there!" I say sarcastically. " No I don't because I wasn't there!" He rolled his eyes at me and muttered something under his breath too low for me to hear.

" He said, 'I'll make her blueberry pancakes every morning. Even if I get tired of them, which I never will, I'll make them for her'." A flutter appeared in my stomach. Is the how it feels like to have butterflies in your stomach? Because if it is it feels weird.

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