Chapter 54

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After Isis announced that she was pregnant and even provided ultra sound photographs I did what any girl who's in love with her sisters husband and baby did would do. Drink.

Alcohol can help solve anyone's problems. It'll make you numb and even help you forget thinking about it. Yet it wasn't helping. The champagne wasn't at all helping. It was just making everything tilt and spin. Not to mention my annoyance is already through the roof.

" Cat you should slow down." Luke tells me as he watched me drink straight out the bottle of champagne.

" What? Why?" I scoffed.

" Because you are drunk and I don't want to deal with you when you start throwing up. And I feel like you're going to do something stupid." He said.

" I'm not going to do anything."

" Oh really? Like you don't want to march on over to them and ask your sister if the baby really is Dimitris?" He rose a brow at me.

" No! Ha why would I go on over and ask?" I shook my head. " Is the baby his? I should ask her?" I start to go to them when Luke grabbed my arm and stopped me.

" I don't think so. You might say something like you and Dimitri being together and well now is not the time." He hissed as he looked around making sure no one over heard us.

Glancing around, I might be drunk but I still can think, and knew he was right. Now is not the time to ask my sister about her being pregnant. Even though I really do want to.

" What if the kid isn't even his?" I asked as Luke lead me outside.

" Did they have sex?" Luke asked me.

" Well yeah. Lots of times. I heard them." I said grimly.

" Then there you have it." Luke said.

" Maybe it's not even his! It can't be his!" I cried.

"Cat don't yell! Someone can hear and- hey Salem and Nate!" Luke smiled over my shoulder.

Turning I see Salem and Nate walking towards us. The two of them are holding hands. Oh right. I suddenly remembered that the two of them started dating when I was in Russia.

" Cat! Hey!" Salem hugged me. " Sebastian texted me you were back. I see the two of you have made up." She said as she glanced back and forth between Luke and I.

" Uh yeah. Yeah we did. Hey Nate."

" Cat. You look nice."

" Thanks." My gaze went down to where they're holding hands.

" Oh Nate and I are dating." Salem informed me.

" That's great!" I chirp.

" You two dating is great too! Now we can go on double dates. It's been gloomy to have Luke tag along and being all deebie downer." Salem tells me.

" Hey! I thought you understood?" Luke defended.

" Yeah but you were being annoying all sad and all." Salem shrugged. " Anyways we just wanted to see you Cat. Since you've been gone for a long time."

" Well you saw me and now I have to-"

" Guys we were talking about some important things. You know us. How about we see you two later?" Luke cut in.

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