Chapter 8

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Catalina's POV

" Ugh! I can't believe that we drove six hours for nothing!" I complained once again for the billionth time since Harry and I arrived at Salem's parents cabin only to find it under reconstruction causing us to turn around and drive yet another three hours back home. " I swear I'm going to strangle Salem when I see her." Harry chuckles besides me.

" Hey! Like you said. It's been almost a year since anyone has gone up there. Not Salem's entire fault that she didn't know anything about it." I turn and face Harry who's attention is out on the road before us.

" I'm going to kill myself." He gives me a look.

" Wait w-what? Kill yourself? W-what are you even talking about right now?" Harry stutters as he gives me odd glances.

" Yeah. Kill myself. I'll rather die then go back to hell hole to deal with my mother yapping at me like a pissed off chihuahua and my sister gloating that I got in trouble." Harry shakes his head.

" You're crazy. You sure you don't have a fever?" Harry's cool palm is suddenly against my forehead as he checks my temperature. " You're burning up. No wonder you're talking crazy." I slap his hand away and glare at him. " Oh! Such a scary face!" He jokes as he flicks my nose causing me to jump.

" What the hell was that for!?" I snap.

" Stop yelling. Kurt Cobain's on the radio." And like that Harry turned up the volume and belted out the lyrics of Nirvanas Lithium. Earning us a few curious stares from drivers.

" Come on! Stop being a Scrooge! I'm sure you have nothing to worry about when you get home." I mentally snorted.

You see Harry the man who stole the one thing I thought I never had, my heart, suddenly bursting back into my life engaged to the twit of my sister is just one of the few things I have to worry about. Oh and let's not ignore how all these bottled up emotions that hit me like a damn fucken hurricane are making me doubt my feelings for you Harry! I thought sarcastically.

" How about we just go over your house? We can play video games?" I say in an all too sweet sugary voice as he turns onto the road that leads towards my house.

" You never like to play video games. Said they did nothing but kill brain cells." He states matter of fact.

" I have never said that! Video games are awesome!" I squeal like a pre-teen at their favorite boy band concert.

" I would shave my entire hair off just to see you play a video game and not yell at the tv or throw the remote and break the tv." I smile when he brings up the last time I played video games with him. My patience was out the window since I kept losing and suddenly the control was stuck inside the tv.

" I bought you a new and must I say better tv." He rolls his eyes.

" We're not going over my house. We all know if you do my mom will-"

" Kick me out. Call me the spawn of satan. Say I'm doing nothing but corrupting her sons way into heaven. Yeah I got that considering the last time I was there." I snort at the end of my words.

Harry's mother is a crazy religious woman. She goes to church every Sunday. She helps out at her local church. Breathes and lives by the way of god. She basically lives at the church. When she found out I don't go to church or even really am a true believer she almost had a heart attack. After that she banned me from her home and tried to force Harry to break up with me. Which didn't happen. Yet not a day goes by when Harry doesn't tell me that his mother won't stop praying for me hoping I can change my evil sadistic ways.

" She'll come to like you one day I'm sure."

" That will be the day I become a nun." Harry laughs and I slap his shoulder. " Don't laugh. It's not funny. Me being a nun isn't funny." Harry bites his bottom lip as he tries to hold back laughter. I give him a look which causes him to clear his throat.

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