Chapter 46

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Alekanders POV

I grunted as the whip connected with my back once again.

" I didn't hear you boy!" My father yelled as the whip once again hit my back.

" Two hundred and thirty seven." I spat.

Ever since my father ordered for Catalina to be taken away I knew I was in deep shit. He had two of his men grab me and drag me down into the basement where I'm chained. My arms above me holding me upright. The chins around my ankles keeping me from kicking out. My shirt ripped to expose skin. This is my fathers way of teaching me a lesson. Just as it always has been since I was a child.

" Count!" He yelled as the whip hit my back once again. This time splitting flesh. The air stinging at the wound.

" Two hundred and thirty...eight." I gasped.

My father has been doing this for a while. At first he just stood there watching me. Didn't speak. Didn't grunt or do any facial expressions. He just stood there watching me.

There are three other men stood in the basement. One by the door. The other off to the side. The last one is Stephan. He's been quiet the entire time. Just watching. Not even flinching.

" You disappoint me Alekzander. Embarrass me." He said as he grabbed a horse whip before he started going at it with my back. And just like each and every time he makes me count.

The longest I've counted up to was three thousand and fifty nine. I was fifteen. It was the day after my family was murdered. No executed by the orders of Dimitri DiNovi. I was the only one who lived.

My father cried. He cursed at the sky. Our family was killed and I, his fourth youngest child, did nothing to help save my family. He whipped me a lot in that time. My body isn't as scarred as my mind is.

He's my father and I love him. I will do anything for him. Even endure these punishments he gives me.

" You're in love with her. Ha! How pathetic!" My father yelled before the crack of the whip echoed in the air. More blood pooling into the plastic sheet beneath me.

Love? Me in love with Catalina? Am I? Yes I feel something for her. A warmth fills me whenever I'm with her but love..? Is this what love is or is it pure infatuation? Is it lust? Or is it a mere crush?

I know I want her. Ever since I met her that day in the hospital I've had fantasies of her with me. When we took her my need to be with her strengthened. I wanted to tell my father to just finish this with Dimitri so I am be with her. Lord knows how many times I almost confessed to her my feelings for her. Luke knows. He knows everything which is weird. Just like Tristan.

" I mean I wouldn't care if you fucked her! She does look delicious after all! But love! You're weak! A weakling that let a women break you!" Four more cracks of the whip. By now my body is numb to the pain.

" Father I-"

" Count!" He shouted.

" Two...hundred and..forty......four." I croaked.

" Boy you can't fall in love. Love is weakness. You can't be weak in his work. You need to be powerful. You need to be cold. Cold and ruthless to survive." My father said.

" Like you." I find myself saying.

He caught it and chuckled. " Well yes. Just like me." His footsteps echoed as he circled around me. " You see you need to be like me boy. Be cold. Be hard. You can't let anyone, let alone a female break you. At the end it won't do anyone any good." He stopped and I bit the insides of my cheeks from crying out as the whip hit some open wounds.

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