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Catalina's POV

" A week!?" I cried at Dr. Ivan who just said I won't get my stitches removed for a week. A week!

" Yes a week. Seven days. Now your default physician can remove it for you. Now take care." He gave me a curt nod before he walked off to check on other patients.

" Do you need anything else? A school note?" The same nurse from earlier asked.

" No." I sharply said. She looked taken back. I mumbled a apology and left the cubicle and the entire emergency ward.

Out in the hallway I couldn't help but glance down at my forearm. The stitches are a stark contrast against the bright pink jagged line. Not to mention how ugly it look. I swear if it scars I'm going to loose my shit!

" Why is a pretty girl like you frowning?" I jump when I hear a male voice with thick accent.

I turn to the side to see a tall young man holding flowers and a teddy bear standing very close besides me. He's good looking in a rugged way. Dark chestnut brown hair and grey eyes that appeared almost violet.

" I'm sorry. Did I startle you?"

" Uh no." He smiles.

" The names Alek." He holds his hand out in a formal greeting. I find myself placing my own hand in his.

" Catalina." He smiles. My eyes move to the scar running from the corner of his mouth towards his hair line. It gives him a slight intimidating vibe.

" It's okay if you want to ask." I blink.

" What!?" I squeak.

" My scar. The one you're staring at." I can feel my cheeks heating up from embarrassment.

" Uh sorry." He shrugs.

" Its fine. I don't mind the stares. Plus there's a kick ass story behind it." I raise a single brow.

"Really!? What'd you do? Fight off a group of thugs? Drug deal gone horribly wrong?" He grins at the sarcasm laced in my tone.

" You're funny. How about I tell you over a cup of coffee?" I can almost praise Alek on how smoothly he executed the 'lets have coffee' line.

" I would enjoy some caffeine but I have somewhere to go and apparently so do you." I motion to the flowers and teddy bear in his hands.

" Oh right. These are for my mum actually." I nod.

" How thoughtful." I continue my way towards the elevators when Alek steps in front of me.

" How about tomorrow? If you like we can do something else aside from coffee. What about that carnival that's going on?" I give him a strange look. " Fine. None of that just how about we exchange numbers?"

I can't help but purse my lips. I just met the guy and he wants to exchange numbers? Yes this is typical sign for two people to get to know each other and then they start dating. I mean who exchanged numbers at a damn hospital!? What if he's a serial killer!? Well if he is he's a hot one.

I let out a sigh. " You'll continue persisting won't you?" He chuckles. " Fine." We exchanged numbers and I don't miss the smirk on his lips.

" I gotta go." I say as I step around him and press the button for the elevator.

" I guess I'll see you around Catalina?" I nod.

" Yeah. Around." I step inside the elevator and head on up to see Sebastian.

Alekzander's POV

Watching the elevator doors close I can't help but smirk at how easy it was to get the phone number from the women the infamous Dimitri is bound to marry. I thought she'll be more loyal then I thought. Even bring up her engagement. Apparently not. She wasn't even wearing a ring on her ring finger.

My phone caught my attention. I looked at caller id to see that it was my father.

" Hello sir." I say as I answer.

" Alekzander. How's it all going?" As always he gets straight to business.

" Perfectly fine. I just met his bride to be." My father laughed.

" Good. Remember get close to the girl. The girl is everything." I nod.

" I know."

" I have to go son. See you back here in three days."

" Three days." The call ended and I continued my way out the hospital. I make sure to throw the stupid flowers and teddy bear away.

Outside the air is crisp and cool. The cold here doesn't compare to the one of Russia. I make my way out the hospital and towards the black car expecting me.

" Took you long enough." A familiar German accented voice said as I got in the car.

I looked at Tristan who sat across me. He was dressed in his usual suite and tie. His honey blonde hair was pulled back in a low bun and his scruff caused him to appear older then he is. Tristan and I have been friends since we were kids. We grew up in this lifestyle. He's been there for me and I for him. We've even taken a few stab and bummer wounds for one another.

" Tristan wooing a lady takes time." He laughs.

" Well if I remember a lady opens her legs in the first twenty seconds she meets you." I scoff.

" It's actually ten seconds Tristan."

" And it takes five seconds for you to cum inside her." This time it was I who laughed. " So how was it with his future wife?"

" Good."

" Is she as hot as she looks in the pictures?" I grin.

" Well she is. Hot I mean. But I couldn't tell if she really was the girl from the pictures."

" What do you mean? Did you get the wrong girl?" I shake my head.

" No. It really is her. She colored her hair. She has it black now. She looked unrecognizable at first. I had to stare at her for a good while to see if it was really her." True. When I saw her walk out of the emergency ward I wasn't sure if it was her from the picture. She just looked so different. Still beautiful but different.

" Let me guess those leg we're all you needed to see to know it was her." I can't help but shake my head.

" Not exactly." It was her eyes. I mentally answer. Those pretty blue eyes that have the same haunted look as in the photo.

Tristan's phone vibrated. He answered and the conversation seemed pretty one sided before he ended it.

" There's already cameras installed inside the house and trackers in their cars." I nod.

" Perfect." Now we'll know what's going on inside and outside the house. And know where their at twenty-four seven.

" Now all you have to do is get that hot babe."

" I know. And I have three days to do it."

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