Chapter 5

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~Fuck My Life~

Dimitri's POV

~One Week Ago~

I stand motionless on the lovers lock bridge in Paris. I peer up from the dark water below me and upwards to see a plane. It's lights flashing against the dark velvet sky. The chilly wind runs its fridges fingertips through my hair tangling its strands. The faint sound of heels clacking against the wooden bridge was heard in the distance.

Sighing I look down at my hands. A small black square box sat on my palm. I opened it to reveal a diamond ring. It glistened and glittered in the moonlight. Nerves and anxiety start to crawl up my throat at the thought of giving this to her.

" Hey!" I quickly tuck the box into my pocket and turned to face her.

She looked beautiful. Her blonde hair glistening and moving freely from the wind. Her blue eyes sparkling with mischief. A small smile on her naturally pink lips.

" Hi." She reached me and didn't hesitate to plant a kiss on me lips.

" So," she pulls away but keeps her arms wrapped around my neck. " What are we doing here?" She asks.

" This was the first place I met you." I say.

" I know. I was there." I role my eyes at her remark.

" Smart ass." She shrugs.

" I try my best." I chuckle.

" Well this is the love lock bridge. And I remember how you said right here when we put a lock on the bridge that you love surprises that sweep you off your feet. So," getting down on one knee I pull out the box. I hear her gasp as I open the box. I reach out and grab her left hand. Sliding the ring onto her finger. " Will you marry me Isis De la Cruz?" My heart is pounding against my chest. My stomach churns. Fog clouds my mind.

" Yes! Yes! Yes! I'll marry you!" She yells. Tears streaming down her face. A smile on her pretty face.

" I love you." I force the words out as I kiss her.


People chatter and mingle around me. Some walk up and give me a blessing or a simple congratulations. Others just stick around longer then needed and give me their life story of how they fell in love and lived happily ever after. Mostly old folks and I don't mind.

I am standing by the bar. My best friend Stephan stands besides me as he orders us two glasses of whiskey.

" Who could have known that you getting over that tramp would've been this easy." He says, I try not to flinch as he brings up the woman he broke my heart and soul. " Now my best friends getting married and I'm the best man. What next a kid? I'll be uncle Stephan soon." I laugh at his words.

" I think that's a little too far into the future there." Stephan does a noise.

" Come on! I thought you were marrying the girl because she was pregnant but apparently not and you love her." The bartender slides our drinks across the table. I take mine and Stephan his. " I still don't understand why you're marrying her in the first place." He mumbles besides me. His eyebrows furrowed together in deep thought.

Trust me I wish I knew as well. I thought.

It's not that I don't want to marry Isis. She's beautiful. Aphrodite incarnate. Yes she can be high maintenance and little stubborn. Yet when I first saw her from afaf I believed she was my dear Samantha. The same blonde hair, slim built, and shoulders. Disappointed filled me when she wasn't Sam. But it was Isis eyes that pulled me into her web. They say eyes are the windows of the soul. When I looked into her eyes the first time I saw her, it was as if I were looking at my own reflection. Anger, pain, and hurt turmoiled in those pretty blue eyes.

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