Chapter 47

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Catalinas POV

I felt like a child hiding in this suffocating compartment as I heard my parents arguing. Terror that they were to hurt one another. Terror that they would hurt me. Except these aren't my parents but two good people that let me in their home.

I jumped as I heard the muffled voices turn into shouts. My heart started to hammer away as I heard things being thrown around. My breathing labored at the sounds.

What the hell is going on?

Desperately I wanted to get out of here. Go out there and see what these supposed red coats are doing to Charlie and Adrian. Red coats? Who are they?

It felt like ages until all I heard through the thin walls was moaning. No other voices. No more shouts or footsteps. Just silence. Thickening silence.

Swallowing the thickness that built in my throat I started to feel against the wall. I found a crack and pushed. The door popped open. Crawling out I turned to put the door back in place almost to scream when I see a dead rat in a corner of the hidy hole I was just inside. Was that always there!? God I felt sick!

Catching my breath and completely sure I wasn't about to puke I peaked through the slight opening of the closet. The room was dimly lit. The window open with the curtains rising up and down with the air. Snow started to come inside and build on the edge of the window. There was no one thankfully. On all fours I crawled out the closet and yeah no one was here. Standing up I slowly and quietly made my way to the door. My heart is pounding. God I felt as if they were capable of hearing me from my heavy breathing. With a shaky hand I gripped the doorknob and opened the door. This time I screamed for Charlie and Adrian are laying unconscious on the glass covered floor in a puddle of their own blood. 

If I were like those hysterical girls in the movies I wouldn't have called the cops. I would have just stayed where I was screaming until I bled from my throat. Just that this isn't a movie.

Quickly I looked around the chaotic mess the place is in for a phone. I found a cellphone under the shade of a lamp. The screen is badly cracked but it was working fine.

My hands are shaking badly as I dialed the cops. The line rings twice before someone answered. Of course in Russian. Crap!

" Hello!? Yes, hi I don't speak Russian but please send help!" I cried.

Thankfully the person does speak English.

" Can you tell me where you are?"

" No. No! I don't know!" I sounded hysterical. Hell my eyes are watering.

" It's fine we can trace you. Can you tell me what happened?"

" I don't know! I was gone and when I came they are-" I was cut off when the phone is taken from my hand and the calls drops. I look besides me to see Charlie with the phone in his hands.

" Thanks for calling the cops Americana to get us help but you need to leave." He said between  clenched teeth.

" What!? Why!?"

" The red coats have paid the police to look for you. Once they see you here they will take you back to them. I don't want that to happen. Here," he strolls through his contacts and comes to a single number. " Once you get out of here go to St. Basil's Cathedral and dial this number. They will come and get you." He placed the phone in my hands and on the screen is a number no name.

" Who are they? What do I tell them?" I ask.

" Say Charlie sent you. Now go Americana!" he grunted.

Standing up I was able to hear police sirens coming closer.

" Go out the fire escape." Charlie nodded towards the only large window in the room.

I go to it and open it. Black iron stairs lead down below.

" Charlie I'm sorry but thank you." He just gives me a faint smile before I go out the window and disappear.

Aleks POV

Tristan and I stood across the street of an old apartment building with graffiti on the side of its walls.

Police officers and paramedics went in and out. We watched as they hauled a very pale looking Adrian onto the back of a ER car. Charlie is talking to the police officer while getting his wrist bandaged.

" Come on." I tell Tristan as I cross the street and make a beeline to Charlie.

" Sir you cannot-" a cop begins to tell me.

" It's alright. Let the boy through." the head cop said as he arrived. THe younger one walked off. " Alekzander and Tristan. It's good to see you."

" Officer Chezivol any news?" I asked.

" No. No news of the girl."

" Call us when you do. I need to talk to Charlie." He walked us on over to Charlie who's eyes widened when he saw us.

" Leave us." The two officers left.

" you okay?" Tristan asked Charlie. Sincerity in his eyes since charlie is his cousin.

" Fine. Just some bruised ribs. Adrian he got stabbed so I need to go to hospital." He informed us.

" Who did this?" I snapped.

" Red coats." Tristan and I shared a similar flabbergasted look.

" Rec coats? You aren't serious?" Tristan said.

" It was them. Their leader Jeremy he's looking for her."

" Who? Who are they looking for?"

" I think you already know the answer." He said. My jaw clenched. Red coats are also looking for Catalina. Not good. Not good at all.

Red coats are a new upcoming crime group. They like to screw shit up for everyone. Cops, civilians, and even us. Last time we went against them for trying to steal some drugs and money people died. Many people. One of them Tristans twin brother Mason. It was a heavy loss.

Now i wondered how they found out about Catalina. how they know how important she is that they came to Charlie and Adrians place. The two people who have relations in both Dimtris and my crime family. Ironic that Charlie used to work for us and Adrian for Dimitri before they quit and started a life together.

" How do you know about Catalina?" I asked.

"She was here. I told her to leave before the cops arrived because Jeremy also has them bought out." this time i cursed.

" Oh Chezivol your time is up." Tristan growled.

" Indeed it is." I agreed. " Where is she now?"

" The red coats would be waiting so I gave her my phone and sent her off to St. Basil's Cathedral where she'll meet Stark and Katrina." My eyes widened when he mentioned Stark and Katrina. Two ex-CIA agents that are hired from time to time to take out people or crack codes. Just to have them kill someone cost over half a million dollars.

" Red Square. how long ago did she leave?"

" Ten minutes ago. Although I doubt she even knows where it is. She left from the window but from there i don't know."

A paramedic came to take Charlie away.

" We'll stop by the hospital later." Tristan said.

" Okay. Please find her." Is the last he said before he walked off.

" Come on. Lets go!" I barked as i turned and made my way to the Red Square.

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