Chapter 2

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Dimitri's POV

Dear Dimitri,

It is 5:30 am. I'm so tired that I can barely stand on my own two legs. It's barely been a few hours since you've held me in your loving embrace, but even then my thoughts have been running rampant. A thousand things plague me yet your name keeps me awake.

I never believed in love. I just thought of it as some myth. Some form of infatuation. Just some stupid thing that you can only find in fairytales. Growing up I never saw my parents give an ounce of affection towards one another. The only compassionate moment I ever witnessed was my father holding my mothers hand when they buried her father. Never have I seen them hug or kiss or fight or argue. Neither did they show emotion towards their children. Not that they weren't good parents they are they just never seemed to care.

Upon arriving in Paris I never intended to come across someone as yourself. Someone who made me feel wanted and needed. It was that, that made you the flame and I the moth. It pulled me closer to you. Making me yearn for your attention.

Slowly I started to feel this warmth tug at my chest whenever I was with you. An odd sensation I've never felt before. With you I felt alive. With you I felt free from the chains holding me back. Before I was with you I lived day to day with a fake smile. I was never a happy person. Until I met you.

You pushed through and broke the wall that shielded me from the world. But you never let me down once. You held me high up with the intention of never putting me down. With the intention of protecting me. Caring for me.

Yet as I continue to write this letter I can't help but want to scream out and pull my hair. A simple I am sorry is not enough for what I am about to do.

I'm leaving you. You must be seething after you read those three little words. We've been together in such harmony that our darkest fears have finally come true. I will be gone and out of your life forever. You will never see me again.

Dimitri I beg you to not come and find me. It's better this way. For both of us.



As I finish reading the miserable letter for the billionth time I can't help the anger that surges through my cold veins. The pain that plunges deep into my heart. The rage that causes my body to shake and eyes to water. It's been a week since I've last seen my dear Samantha. One week since I've awakened in my bed daily without her in my arms. One week of constant searching the entire globe for her. A week of agony and pain and anger.

I don't understand what I did that caused her to leave me without any explanations. To abandon me. I didn't do anything wrong. I loved her with all of my being. I would take a bullet for her. I would give her the entire world. I just don't understand, and the harder I try to make it out the louder the pulsing in my head becomes.

A knock from the door brings me out of my dark inking thoughts.

" What!?" I snap in irritation.

" Mr. DiNovi, Mr. Stephan is back from his trip." Hilda says from the other side of the door. Upon hearing Stephan's name I rapidly drop the wrinkled letter into a drawer and walk to open the doors.

" Where is he?" I demand fiercely, causing Hilda to jump.

" In the living room." I nod and practically run towards the living room.

I enter to see Stephan standing in front of the floor to ceiling windows. His back is to me as he looks out towards the woods surrounding my estate. Hearing my hasty footsteps he turns around. I notice a glass of whiskey in his hands. His eyes are bloodshot, almost as if he hasn't slept in days. His beard has gone unshaved, rare since Stephan likes a smooth jawline. The only thing presentable about him is the fresh designer suit he is wearing.

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