Chapter 16

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Catalina's POV

As I walk down the stairs I can't help but wonder how the hell the house is clean. I sure didn't clean anything last night and neither did any of the people here at the party. And cleaning service doesn't come until Tuesday. Well whatever! Whoever did clean saved me a hell of a lot of time.

" Hey!" I call as I enter the kitchen and sit down on the empty stool besides Harry.

" Hi." He looks up and flashes a small smile. Pain and discomfort clear in his eyes. I frown.

Harry never really gets drunk. Yeah he has a drink or two but never goes over the limit. He says he can have fun without getting hammered unlike other kids I know. But last night, last night was something else completely. He must have had tons - not literally - of alcohol and the drugs. Oh hell! I can't imagine the headache and deathlike feeling he has at the moment.

" How you feeling?" I ask.

" I'm close to being fine. Just tired. You look like your swell." I shrug.

" I have a high tolerance I guess." Stephan scoffs from where he's leaning against the counter drinking water.

" I wouldn't call how you acted last night you having a high tolerance."

" How would you have known how I acted last night when- wait! You guys were here!?" I exclaim. Glancing in question back and forth between Sebastien, Stephan, and Dimitri.

" Yes. We arrived just in time before someone jumped in the water and came out with fins." Sebastien and Stephan snicker and I can't help but feel my stomach fall.

" That wasn't me was it?" I ask mortified.

" Oh but I want to a mermaid!" Stephan mocks in a voice he thinks resembles me but it really makes him sound like a douche.

" No! No! I don't want the sharks to eat me!" Sebastien adds.

" Under the sea! Under the sea!" Both of them start to laugh hysterically.

" Oh god! That song! That song I can't get it out of my head!" Harry groans as he rubs his temples.

" Dude you two were belting out to that song last night! I should have recorded it and shown you! It was gold!" Sebastien says.

" If I saw that video I swear I would burn whatever you used to record it and you along with it." I growled.

" Giving out threats so early in the morning? Catalina you need some nutrition before you do." Sebastien walks over to the counter and puts three fluffy pancakes on a plate before placing it on the table before me. " Three pancakes for the Royal Queen Catalina!" I give him a hundred watt smile.

" I wonder. Can a fork penetrate just the skin or can it go straight through and hit the bone?" I ask in my best innocent voice as I turn the fork over in my hands. Sebastien face pales and I see a small smile on Dimitri's face.

" Cat." Harry says besides me. I roll my eyes.

" I swear I won't hurt him." I pour syrup on my pancakes. " Yet." I stab the pancakes and I don't miss when I see Sebastien jump. Dimitri chuckles and shakes his head. That reminds me. " So why aren't you in Paris?" I ask him. The room goes quiet. All three guys, except Harry, exchange a knowing warning look.

" I just accompanied your sister to the airport. I had other business to take care of elsewhere." He shrugs as he takes a sip from his water bottle.

My eyebrows furrow. Business. What the hell is this business that he has to 'take care of'? It's his petty excuse for everything. I'm suddenly curious to sneak into his room and do some undercover work. I should be a cop. Yup. Or not a secret spy for the CIA. YES!

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