Chapter 12

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Catalina's POV

" Well Sebastien what are you doing in my house?" I demand.

He chuckles and walks slowly towards me as a predator does to his prey. " Well I'm here because my uncle is marrying this annoying bitchy blonde named Isis."

" Wait Dimitri is your uncle!?" If he didn't say Dimitri was his uncle I would have high fived him for calling me sister an annoying bitch. I know I'm a horrible sister. Whatever!

" Yes. And I didn't catch your name." He does a complete 180 on me. Taking me a bit off guard.

" That's because I didn't say it." He grins.

" How about I guess your name?" I roll my eyes.

" Go ahead." He gives me a one over. Slowly taking in my very short tight pink shorts I wear to bed and my white tank top, my matching pink lace bra visible underneath. I cross my arms over my chest as I see his gaze lingering more then the desired time. He licks his lips and finally looks at my face.

" Nicole." I shake my head. " Lily." I give him a really look. " Katherine." I scoff.

" No. No. And no." His eyebrows furrow together.

" I want to say Scarlett." I let out a laugh.

" I'm not named after a stupid color! My names Catalina." I finally say getting annoyed by him saying random names.

" Catalina. Pretty name for a pretty girl." I roll my eyes at his lame attempt at flirting.

" So what- hey! That's mine!" I yell when Sebastien takes my bitten grilled cheese sandwich and starts eating it. " Give it back!" I scream at the top of my lungs as I lunge for my sandwich. Sebastien taken off guard takes a step back and with my body weight on him he falls on the ground, hard. And brings me down with him.

" What the fuck!?" He curses as I try to scramble off of him but his tight hold around my waist keeps me pinned against him.

" Let me go you douche!" I slap his chest. My palm stinging. What the hell is he made of steel!?

" I like this position rather fine don't you?" He winks at me before taking a large bite of my grilled cheese. I gasp and reach out for the grilled cheese but he holds it above his head. Out of my reach.

" Give me my grilled cheese!" I cry like a five year old in a toy store wanting a new Barbie doll.

" No." Sebastien says with a grin. I open my mouth to yell at him some more when he flips us over so now he's straddling me. One of his large hands holding both of my hands above my head. In a taunting manner he takes another bite of the sandwich. " Mmm. Taste so good." He moans.

" What the hell is going on!?" Dimitri's deep voice boomed around the kitchen walls. I peered over Sebastian's shoulder to see Dimitri glaring down at Sebastien and I. Stephan stood besides Dimitri an amused look on his face.

" Ah! Uncle Dimitri! Great timing!" Sebastien says bitterly as he slowly stands up. He stretches out his hand and I take it. Standing up I dust myself off and snatch the rest of the grilled cheese sandwich from an unsuspecting Sebastian.

" Mine!" I state as I stuff the sandwich in my mouth. Sebastien frowns.

" I was eating that!" He cries.

" I made it!" I said through my mouthful of cheesy deliciousness. Sebastien scoffs before he crosses his arms over his chest and turns to Dimitri who looked ready to hang both of us.

" I see you two already met." Dimitri slowly says. Putting extra emphasis on the word met.

" Yeah we did. Now my stay here will be worth the while. " Sebastien answers with a mischievous look. I slap him across the back of his head when I see him staring at my chest. " What the fuck!?"

" Stop eye raping me you pervert!"

" Can't help it when you're wearing that! It's practically nothing!" He defends.

" Oh I'll give you something to look at!" I'm ready to punch this idiot square in his pretty face when a large warm hand wraps around my waist and pulls me away. I put up a fight wanting to wipe that smirk off of Sebastian's face when I'm pressed up against the wall by Dimitri.

" Catalina calm down!" He growls. I glare at Dimitri and let out a defeated sigh. Dimitri glanced over his shoulder at Stephan and they both exchanged a look ending with Stephan nodding.

" Come on Sebastien. It's late and you have school in a couple hours." Sebastien let out a loud curse that shook the windows.

" Why do I have to go to fucken school!? I don't want to be surrounded by idiots I don't give a shit about!" He says as he walks out the kitchen with Stephan. " See you later Catalina." He gives me a wink before disappearing.

I turn and look at Dimitri who moved away and is leaning against the counter. His blue eyes on me. His arms at his side. His torso bare and visible for anyone female or male to check out. I couldn't help but trace the dragon tattoo the ran from his chest to his shoulder and back. The colors a deep contrast against his natural sun kissed skin.

" Sorry about Sebastien." Dimitri finally spoke. " He can be a handful."

" Whatever. I don't really care." He gives me a look before running a hand through his hair.

" It looked like you were about to-"

" In all the time I knew you I didn't know you had a nephew." I cut him off. His lips formed a tight line. His grip on the counter behind him tightened. His knuckles turning white.

The entire summer I spent with Dimitri I never knew he had a nephew. I didn't even know he had siblings or family. He never talked about them. Always brushing off the subject. Then again I also lied about my family telling him I was an orphan.

" I do. His mother is my sister. She died from cancer a couple years ago." My expression fell.

" Oh. That sucks I guess?" Death is something that I'm not casual with more like awkward.

When we went to a funeral a year ago for the death of a friend of my fathers I told the dead guys wife and family how much it must suck and ran on nothing but word vomit. I got in trouble of course. But hey! It's not my fault! If all I think everyone should celebrate and have drinks when a person dies. Remembering all that one person did in their lifetime not cry and curse god for taking them. That's just unhealthy in my mind.

" He was young and it hit him the hardest." He mumbled. A far away look in his eyes.

" People die all the time! Duh! Everyone who is born dies. Get over it!" I shut up when I realize how my words aren't helping. Dimitri gives me a weird look.

" You are always something else." He mumbles.

" What's that supposed to mean?" He shakes his head.

" Nothing. You just never fail to surprise me. I've missed that about you." His eyes widened when he realized what he said and he looks away. His attention on anything else but me.

I bit my lip and looked at the ground. A strange fire spread through my heart a fire that burned from sorrow and longing. A fire that I haven't felt since the day I met Harry. A fire that just that simple 'I missed that about you' were able to resurface. I was able to feel the hard exterior I build when I'm around him start to shatter and crumble. Exposing the dark truth underneath. That I still love him. I cursed this fire as it continue to course through my veins until it consumed my soul.

He finally looked at me. The gleam that made him who he is sparked in his blue eyes. They resembled the stars you only see after a storm. His dark hair was messy and sticking up in odd places making him appear younger then he really is. His lips which were always in frown or a straight line were up in a small smile.

I wanted to tell him what I've missed of him. I could practically recite it off the top of my head. How the edges of his eye will crinkle when he smiles. How he'll easily blush when I'll say how handsome or beautiful he is. How he will always tell me 'There's always more sunshine, you just have to keep searching' whenever I'm feeling as if my world is falling apart. How he'll do little sappy things like buy me flowers and write me a poem. I missed so many things about him but the taste of his warm honey lips against mine is-

" You should get to bed." Dimitri's voice snapped me out of my deep thoughts. I nod and leave upstairs to my room.

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