Chapter 30

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Catalina's POV 

I felt a warmth raining down on my face. I instantly cursed myself for not closing the curtains last night. It's not that I don't like the sun waking me up just the warmth of it is irritating. I flopped onto my torso and pulled up the covers to cover my face when I felt the material of the bedspread. Silk. Smooth against my skin not at all like my bedspread made of Egyptian cotton. 

Confused I sat up and instantly regretted it as a wave of dizziness overcame me. Once it subsided I stared wide eyed at the bed I laid on. It was large, bigger then my very own queen bed frame. The comforter is gold silk with large matching colored pillows. The large floor to ceiling windows to my left lead in a large amount of sun light. The walls are a light ivory color with a gold design on them. A small chandelier hung from the ceiling. 

" Where the hell am I!?" I voiced the thought out loud. 

The last thing I remember is going to the pizza place with Luke. We were leaving and I headed to the bathroom. Then a guy came in and- oh my god! 

He took me. 

Tears brimmed my eyes. Anxiety and fear clawed at my throat. 

No! No! 

I bolt off of the bed and rush towards one of the two doors in the room. I reach the first door and turn the door knob and nothing. It doesn't turn. Doesn't open. 

" Someone! Please! Please help me!" I cried out as I banged my fists against the door. 

Nothing. No one said a thing. Nor did I hear anything on the other side of the door. 

I continue banging on the door even kicking it until my arms tire and my knuckles start to slowly bleed. 

With a sob I slide down the door and fall onto the floor. Hot tears pour down my face. Why!? Why did he take me? What could he possibly want with me!? What if he- oh god! Please, please don't let that be true! I begged. 

I lost track of time crying. Finally unable to produce anymore tears I glance around the room trying to find some way I can get the hell out of here. My gaze finds its way towards the windows. Windows. 

I stand up and hastily walk towards them and throw them open to step out onto a small balcony. If I wasn't in this predicament I might actually enjoy the wonderful sight before me. The vast blue endless sky. The tall trees and huge gardens. The smell of roses and jasmine that fills the air. The chirping of birds and running of water from a fountain that sits in the midfield. I ignored the beauty and raced towards the rail and peered over only to slap my palms against the rail. 

I must be on the third floor. The drop down is at least more then twenty feet. Even if I manage to make a rope I'll fall into the bushes and break an ankle. Or worse. 

The sound of the doorknob jingling caught my attention. I rush back into the room and grab the first thing I can to use as a weapon. It's a wooden candle holder. The door opens and a cry fills the room. My battle cry. 

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