Chapter 19

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" That asshole was like come on! And I was like not in the back of a damn pick up truck..." I'm sitting on our usual lunch table in the academy's large dinning hall listening to Salem's usual babble and like always I zoned her out not wanting to hear the intimate details of her experience in the bed of a truck. " It's not like it was uncomfortable it was more like- What the fuck happened to your face!?" Salem exclaims as she finally looks away from her phone and takes notice of the ugly red line running along the left side of my face

Quickly I use my hair to shield the ugly red line. " Nothing."

Salem being Salem leans across the table and moves my hair out the way. " That isn't nothing! Who the fuck did that to you? I swear I'm going to murder them for-"

" Salem calm down! It was an accident."

" That is not an accident! It looks like someone slapped you and their ring scratched the crap out of you!" I internally cringe as I see that everyone within hearing range was glancing at us curiously. Their mouths and hands moving as they must be talking about the hideous ugly scratch on my face.

" Salem stop making a big deal! Everyone's staring!" She rolled her eyes.

" I don't care! Tell me who did that to you or I swear I'll-"

" Isis!" Her eyes widen and she stops for a moment.

" Isis?" I nod.

" Yes." Her eyes narrow and I don't miss how her hands turn into tight fists.

" Medusa did this to you!? I swear I'm going to go over your house today and I'm going to-"

" Salem just stop! I have a headache." I rub at my temples hopping the throbbing going on inside my head will stop. It just gets harder.

" Fine." She picks up her phone and starts tapping away. I just pick at my salad.

Last night after Isis busted the only moment I had to settle things with Dimitri, Luke dropped me off home a few minutes before midnight after the hotel doctor had a look at my face and said I was good. After twisting and turning in my bed sleep wasn't able to find me. My adrenaline and anger levels were too high for me being able to just hit the hay. Instead I pulled out my laptop and got on Netflix. It didn't take long for my sister and Dimitri to get home because fifteen minutes into my Supernatural episode my sisters cries of pleasure from across the hall echoed around the empty house. I wanted to leave. Get out of the house and go somewhere. Anywhere. Hearing them was like someone stabbing me in the gut over and over again.

I couldn't face them this morning after knowing what went down between the two of them. When he offered to drive me to school I almost bursted out in tears. I declined and quickly came here to school. Not able to see the both of them any longer.

" Cat? Catalina?" I blink and see Harry waving his hand before my face.

" Oh hey Harry!" I force a smile.

" You okay?" A look of concern and worry clouded his eyes before he sat down besides me.

" Yeah. Yeah I am. Why wouldn't I be?" He touched my forehead.

" Your burning up." I shrug.

" Well I have a headache."

" You should go home." I shake my head.

" Can't. I have my pre calculus test to take next period." I internally groan as numbers and equations full my mind.

" Cat I agree with Harry here. You look like shit." Salem added.

" No I can't leave. I need to have an A in calculus to make it look good on my transcripts for college." Salem scoffed.

" Please! You have legacies in both Yale and Harvard! You're practically in."

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