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The elevator doors dinged opened and I stepped out. Voices filled the air. As well as the smell of bacon.

Walking down the semi hall that leads to the large living room and kitchen I see Nate in the kitchen cooking breakfast.

" Morning!" He chirped.

" Actually more like afternoon." I correct him.

" Really?" I hold out my wrist where my watch is and shown him the time. " Huh? Good afternoon then! Want anything?" He motioned to the entire kitchen.

" No I'm good but thanks." I take a seat on the stool. " No one else arrive yet?" I asked

This morning Serena texted us all to meet at her place around noon. After all we are all riding to the airstrip and our flight leaves in three hours.

" No. Luke just texted me saying he was getting something and he'll meet us at the airstrip. Salem is on the way. Serena is well.." He stopped talking and pointed with his spatula up.

Eyebrows furrowed I'm about to ask if she's still asleep when I hear her upstairs. Yelling very loudly. Better yet arguing.

" Is she on the phone?" I questioned.

" With her girlfriend."

" What are they arguing about?"

" Apparently her girlfriend kissed another girl. I don't really know details. She won't tell me much but she's real pissed."

" Don't blame her." I say.

The ding of the elevator caught my attention. Leaning slightly back I look down the hall and see Salem walking our way.

" About time!" I say.

" Sorry I had to go to church and brunch with my grandparents. Then I had to go back home and get all my bags and such. I saw your bags downstairs in the lobby. You packed light." She said.

" More like careful." I said.

" Well I say a girl could never pack too much. After all we need variety. Hey babe!" She kissed Nate on the cheek before she stole a slice of bacon. He gave her a look but said hey.

" Where's Luke?" She asked.

" He'll meet us at the airstrip."

" Hm. How long you been here?"

" Just arrived right before you." I tell her. 

" Oh. So this trip to Italy. How rad is it gonna be?" She beamed a smile.

" Rad? Seriously?" Nate rose a brow at her.

" You know what I mean!" She rolled her eyes.

" Nate she's right. This trip is going to be rad as fuck."

" I mean we'll be at the beach. Drink and party. See a little Italian eye candy." She gave me a suggestive look. " And well we'll all be together before we go off to college."

A heavy air settled over us.

" We can't just leave it at summer vacation. We've been friends for years! We'll stick together. We always do." Nate said suddenly.

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