XoXo To The Mafia Boss

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Authors Note:

Hey everyone I just want to say that the book is complete and there are many grammatical errors. I haven't had the chance to go over it so bare with it.




~*Goodbye Paris, xoxo*~

Catalina's POV

The soft sound of the calligraphy pen writing across the piece of white paper filled the large room. Each stroke in sync with my pounding heart beat. Anxiety crawls its way up my throat, cutting my supply of air slightly. My bones start to tremble, the vibration causing a ringing in my ears. My eyes fill with tears as I keep the desperate cries from leaving my chapped lips. With a shaky hand I finish the ending of the letter, folding the paper and writing his name on it.

As I tip toe out the room I glance over my shoulder one last time at the large bed where he laid sleeping soundly. I watch as his eyelids flutter. His bare sun kissed chest rise up and down with every steady breath. His fingertips grasp the white bed sheets. I stand a moment more as I try to memorize his chiseled jawline, his full pink lips, his black curly hair, and the dragon tattoo permanent etched into his skin.

The early morning sunlight which traveled its way into the dark inky room radiated from all four walls. Acting as a kaleidoscope, multiple colors rising everywhere. A groan escaped his lips causing me to stay absolutely still. Motionless I watch him flip onto his stomach. Before he could wake up fully I close the wooden door with a soft click.

Each step I took down the stairs and towards the steel elevator doors was agonizing. I didn't want to leave. Not this way. Yet I have to. If I stay until he is awake and tell him of my sudden departure he will only convince me to stay here in Paris with him. My entire being would have jumped with joy at spending the rest of my existence by his side, but I have to leave before my old life comes across the seas and drags me back.

Before I enter the elevator Hilda, his maid, calls my name from the foyer in which she stands. Hilda is a short plump woman. Her skin is that of porcelain with freckles scattered across her nose. Her eyes are a pale green. Her hair is brown and up in her usual bun. She's wearing her usual uniform.

" Miss. Samantha where are you leaving to so early in the morning?" She asks in her thick Bulgarian accent. Using the name I made up instead of my real one. Panic surges through me as I try to come up with a reasonable excuse as to why I'm leaving at the crack of dawn.

" I have to go to the nearest store for female products." I gave her a look. Hilda quickly caught on.

" Oh! Okay. I'll tell Mr. Dimitri. Will you be back for breakfast?" My heart skipped a beat before it raced when she said his name.

" Of course." I lie straight through my teeth. " I'll be back soon. Don't worry." She nods before she walks off and I press the button for the elevator doors to close.

" Good morning Samantha!" I look at Gus, the charming young man sitting behind the front desk in the lobby.

" Oh! Morning Gus." I give him a strained smile as I try to casually continue walking towards the glass doors separating me from the real world.

" Where are you heading to so bright and early?" He asks, curiosity laced in his tone.

" Farmers market. I need to buy some groceries for breakfast." I easily lie.

" A woman who can cook can win the heart of any man." I let out a nervous laugh. " Safe journey." I nod and quickly rush out the doors.

I don't grab a cab in front of the tall building. Knowing Dimitri he'll grab the video footage and track down the taxi's number. I walk down the street and turn the corner. I walk another full six blocks turning here and there. I finally hail a cab in front of a mom and pop cafe.

" Where to?" The man asks in a French accent.

" The airport." He nods before pulling away and joining the rest of the early morning traffic.

As I climb up the steps onto my fathers private plane I stop to take one last glimpse of Paris, one of my favorite cities. The cold lifts my hair and kisses my cheeks. I stare at the Eiffel Tower. Millions of memories invade my mind. I almost collapse as heart ache runs throughout my burning veins. The woman telling me to board keeps me from breaking down into sobs. Before I enter I bare a farewell to the love of my life, who I'll never see again.

XoXo To The Mafia BossWhere stories live. Discover now