Chapter 52

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Catalinas POV

" Hey terminators! Ya'll can run around and all but I don't run! Unless it's for Johnny Depp. I'll do anything for him. Shit I think I'm having a heart attack!" I gasp out to the others as I slow down to a stop.

We've been running for what feels like days but is just a few minutes. All I know is my lungs burn and my chest feels tights. Not to mention how light headed I am.

" Come on Cat. We can't slow down." Dimitri says as he came to stand before me.

" We can't stop at all." Katrina adds.

" She's right. That explosion back there. That was the red coats. It was the same explosion as the one that blew up our car. They can be following us." Tristan spoke from where he stood. His eyes darting all around cautiously.

" I think I'm dying." I gasp out.

" Hey Cat just breathe!" It was Sebastian who spoke. He came to kneel besides me. His hands resting on my shoulders. " Breathe just breathe." He tells me.

I nod and try to breathe. In and out. Inhale and exhale. I did this for a few moments while the others stand around.

" How much longer?" Sebastian asked over his shoulder.

" Not long. Just two minutes. Five max." Alekzander answered from where he stood apart from the others. A dark cloud seems to hang over him.

The entire time we've running I worried about him. I mean his father just died and he's acting so weird. Yeah I'm not good consoling people but I just wanted to hug him and say it'll be fine. Yet every time I moved towards him he'll just run faster ahead. It's almost as if he's avoiding me.

" Sounds good." Stark said.

" We should go now. Arrive before dawn. There I call for someone to come for us." Dimitri added.

They all turned to me. I can see them eyeing me as if I were the wounded solider from the platoon. The one that will get them all killed at the end.

Taking a deep breath I stand up. " I guess I can do a bit more running." I say with a grin.

Just after I said that we all moved. I was lying. I couldn't keep up with the running. My legs felt like lead and I kept slipping on patches of ice. I almost fell down if it wasn't for Stephan who grabbed me.

" How much longer?" I ask.

" We're here." Alek says as he slows down to a walk.

I'm thankful that we're finally walking and not running. My muscles ached. My entire body ached.

" Where are we staying?" Sebastian asked.

Glancing up and down the street my eyebrows furrowed. The street looked familiar. Very familiar.

" There." Alekzander said nodding towards a two floored house.

" No! No we are not staying there!" I cried when I recognized it as the house we stayed at for a while with that asshole that tried to rape me.

" Either here or the red coats come and kill us." Alek snapped at me before he walked up to the front door.

Standing on the sidewalk I let out a curse before I reluctantly walked towards the door.

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