Chapter 20

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The next morning I woke up feeling worse then yesterday. I felt as if someome was jackhammering away at my skull and forced me to swallow sand. My energy levels were on an all time low as I tried to get out of bed and ready for school. As dizziness and nausea hit me I knew school was now out of the question as I fell back asleep.

" Catalina? Catalina wake up?" I groaned as I felt someone lightly shaking my shoulder. I tried to push the arm away but I didn't have the strength to even lift my arm up. I tried opening my eyes as I felt someone's cool hand against my burning forehead.

" Dimitri?" I felt the bed sink as he sat down besides me.

" Catalina are you okay?"

" Dandy." I answered as I tried to sit up. I blink as black dots appear in my vision.

" Then why aren't you in school?" I glanced at my alarm clock and saw that it was half past ten am. I bet my phone must be full of missed calls and text messages from Salem, Serena, Luke, and most of all Harry.

" Over slept I guess." I looked at Dimitri to see that he was eyeing me wearingly. " I'm fine. I swear." He nods but I can see it in his eyes that he doesn't believe me.

" Catalina I have to do some things and I really don't want to leave you here alone."

" it's fine. I don't mind staying here." I say.

" No Catalina come with me. I won't be able to leave this house thinking about you locked in this room by yourself in your condition." Sincerity and honestly were clear in his blue eyes. I knew if I put up an argument I'll lose. I always lose an argument with Dimitri. He was just so persuasive and even though I'm as stubborn as a mule he was able to crack through me.

" Fine. I'll go. Just give me ten minutes to get ready." He nods.

" I'll be downstairs." The moment the door closes I stand up and head to the bathroom.

Ten minutes later dressed in ripped denim jeans, a white oversized t-shirt, a green army jacket, and brown boots I made my way downstairs. I stood in the foyer looking at my reflection in the only mirror thankful for make up. The mascara made me look awake and the blush made me look alive. Groaning i grabbed my hair up in a messy bun. Letting the lose strands cup my face.

" Ten minutes exactly." I jumped as Dimitri appeared out of thin air behind me. I nod.

" Yeah."

" Come on. I don't want to be late." I follow him outside and to his car.

Music fills the clear air throughout the drive. All I do is look out the window and up at the cloudy sky that matched my mood.

We ended up arriving at a fancy suit store. Dimitri held the door open for me and I said a small thanks.

" Hello, I'm Sarah! How may I help you?" A woman in her early twenties greeted us. Well Dimitri more to be honest.

" I'm Dimitri DiNovi. I'm here for a fitting." The girls eyes ran over Dimitri who handsomely stood in jeans, and a grey long sleeve. His hair disheveled making him appear younger. She bit her bottom lip and I could already image the scenes playing on inside her head.

" Of course. Follow me." We followed her towards the back.

I went to sit on the couches while Sarah took his measurements. My eyes narrowed as I watched her flirt and bat her long fake eyelashes at him. Even more as Dimitri laughed and carried on whatever conversation they had. I rolled my eyes and pulled out my phone and replied to the hundreds of text messages.

Moments later I look up from my phone after hearing Dimitri's laugh only for my phone to slip from my hand as I gawked at him. He stood looking like a GQ male model wearing an entire white suit with a dark blue tie and matching handkerchief in the breast pocket.

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