Chapter 15

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Catalina's POV

" Under the sea

Under the sea

Darling it's better

No place is wetter

Take it from me

Up on the shore they work all day

Out in the sun they slave away

While we devotin'

Full time to floatin'

Under the sea!" I sing along with Harry to the famous Disney song made popular by a small little red crab.

Ever since the beautiful man brought me inside, along with Harry, he's done nothing but watch me. It makes me nervous really. I don't know why. Just having him staring at me from where he's leaning against my wall makes my heart skip a beat whenever I look his way. The other two on the other hand give Harry and I looks.

Everyone who came to the party left. Not a single soul left behind. Even the DJ took off quickly with all his things. The front yard deserted as every car once there was gone. The house is a mess. One of my mothers favorite vases is broken into millions of tiny pieces on the ground. She'll bury me alive when she sees what I did. I don't care.

" I'm hungry. I want food." Harry goes off towards the kitchen.

" Sebastien go after him." I hear a scoff.

" I swear I'll slit his throat if he continues singing that stupid song." He grumbles before he disappears off towards the kitchen.

I hear a snort of laughter and the two men leaning against the wall start talking in a language I don't understand. It confuses me but I don't let it get to me. Instead I close my eyes and imagine I'm floating above the water. The waves moving my body. The smell of salt water crisp in the air.

" Catalina?" I open my eyes and see the beautiful mam squatting down besides me. A concerned look in his blue eyes.

" Hi." I give him a smile and prop myself up on my elbows.

" What did you take?" I notice a slight accent in his voice but I don't make much of it.

" Serena gave me something. It does no harm. Nope! No sir! No harm! Under the sea!" I start to hum the tune.

" Who's Serena?" Another voice asked. It was smoother like rich chocolate and the finest silks of the world.

" My friend."

" What did she have that she said will do no harm?" The same rich voice spoke slowly this time. He has a nice voice. I could listen to it all day.

" They were pills. White pills." I hear someone curse.

" How many did you take?" I think about it but all I could do was laugh.

" One or two or three. I don't know-ugh." I cringe as a ringing is loud in my ears. My breathing fastens. The world around me starts to spin. I feel light headed. My vision blurs.

" Catalina! Cat are you okay?" Someone shouts. I feel something hot on my skin. I start to shake. My stomach clenches. I feel sick.

" I think she's gonna throw up."

" Shit!"

I close my eyes and I feel as if I'm in a amusement park on one of those fast spinning rides that just goes on and on in endless circles. The one you go on right after you eat a huge funnel cake or hot dog. The one that you know will cause you to throw up.

I can feel vomit rising in my throat.

I'm suddenly in the bathroom throwing up.

I finish and my body feels like like deadweight. My body sags against the bathtub. The marble cool against my flushed face.

I'm pulled to my feet by the beautiful man as he sits me on the counter as if I'm a child. He wets a wash cloth and dabs it around my face. His eyebrows furrowed in worry. A look I couldn't place in his pretty blue eyes. He sighs and opens a new toothbrush. I take it and brush my teeth. I spit and rinse out my mouth. Done I try to stand on my shaky legs but he sweeps me off my feet and carries me bridal style.

" Catalina. Why are you so reckless?" He whispers as he makes his way upstairs to my room.

Snugging against him i can't help but realize how wonderful he smells. It's a mix of peppermint, vanilla, and the aftermath after a storm. The smell is familiar. Yet I can't pinpoint when exactly I've smelled such richness. I feel the warmth of his body leave me as I sink into a soft mattress. He puts a blanket over my shivering body.

" You should go to sleep." I shake my head like a stubborn child.

" No. I want to be a mermaid. I'm a mermaid." I let out a yawn. It becomes impossible for me to keep my eyes open when all I want to do is gaze at this beautiful man. Scared that he'll disappear if I fall under.

He chuckles. " You can be a mermaid tomorrow Cat." He starts to get off of my bed when I stretch out my hand and grab a handful of his jacket bringing him to a halt.

" Be a mermaid with me." I whisper as I lean into him. I feel his body tense. His muscles locked in place. I'm sure he's not even breathing. I don't care. I just don't want this beautiful man to disappear. " You'll be my prince since I'm a princess." My eyes dart down to his lips. " Just stay with me. Please."

He brings his hand on top of mine and loosens my grip. His eyes never leaving my lips. All I want to do is kiss him. God I really really want to kiss him. " Fine. I'll stay." I can't help the smile from appearing on my lips.

" Okay." I let out a yawn. " Under the sea, under the sea," I let out another yawn. My mind foggy. My eyes starting to close. I hear him chuckle.

" Come on." I feel him pulling me against him.

" Darling it's-" yawn." The shore, floatin', under the sea." I finally go under when I feel him relax besides mine.


I wake up with the hot sun poring down on my face. I groan and curse whoever dared open my curtains. I swear they will pay hell for this.

I sit up against my head board and realize that I'm in nothing but my bikini top and skinny jeans. A large Indian feather hat sat on my bedside table. A lot of my clothes and shoes laying around on the ground covering every inch of wooden surface. I run my hand through my hair and groan when I realize how oily and tangled my hair is. A shower is desperately needed.

As I shower I try to piece together what happened last night. I remember being the perfect party host. Going around and mingling with everyone. Making sure their having a good time and no drama arises. Fights are something I do not tolerate during my parties especially in my house. I went inside after getting a little bored when Nate, Serena, and Harry arrived. Nate left off the moment he arrived. Serena, Harry, and I we hung out for a while and she gave us something. Ecstasy. No wonder I can't remember anything. It's a miracle I even woke up on my bed and not outside. Wait! Harry took some as well. Shit! If he went home I swear his mother will hate me forever.

Wrapped up in a towel I walk out into my room and am about to put on the clothes I laid out onto my bed when the door opens and Dimitri strolls inside with a bottled water and a bottle of pills.

" i see your awake now." He looks up and freezes. I quickly grab the towel from the floor and cover myself up. I bite my lip as I feel heat rising in my cheek. " I'm sorry I didn't-"

" It's okay!" I cut him off as I tighten the towel around my body. Hugging it as if it's second skin. " It's not as if you've never seen me like this before." I state.

He clears his throat and awkwardly runs his hand through his hair. " I'll let you get dressed. Breakfast is ready if you're hungry." With that he quickly scurries out of my room and I quickly get dressed.

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