Chapter 1

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One Week Later

Catalina's POV

" Come on Cat! You've been back from Paris a week and you haven't even left your room! What is up with you?" My best friend Salem said from where she sat crossed legged in the middle of my large king sized California bed.

I shrugged at her words. " I don't feel like going out is all." I say in monotone.

Ever since I've returned from Paris I have not left the familiar comforting walls of my bedroom. I just couldn't bring myself to continue being the old Catalina. The one that would go on endless shopping sprees. Drink bubbly champagne. Eat my weight in French macaroons. Go to high society galas. No. All I wanted to do was curl up in my duvet and relive my life as Samantha Peralta, the girl I pretended to be when I was in Paris with him.

I haven't told anyone about Paris nor Dimitri. Not to my parents, older sister and brother, my best friend, or my diary. To be honest if I did I wouldn't know how or where to start. Yet my odd quiet nature didn't not catch anyone's attention, but Salem's. My parents didn't care they were too busy running their billion dollar companies. My sister who is so vain doesn't care about anyone but herself. My brother was to busy pleasing his pregnant fiancé by letting her control everything about their future wedding. Salem, on the other hand will come by every day and try to brighten up my spirits, as she is now.

" Cat can I ask you a question?" I look away from the window and turn to look at Salem. Her hazel eyes are locked on her hands, which rest on her lap. Her fingers messing with the corner of the pillowcase.

" Sure." I am able to hear her mutter something in Portuguese. Sighing she glances up. Tucking a strand of her honey like hair behind her ear. An intense look clear in her hazel eyes.

" What really happened in Paris?" I turn back around towards the window. Not wanting her to see the agony in my eyes.

" Nothing." I mumble.

" That's bullshit!" She roars, causing me to jump from her sudden outburst. " I know you better than anyone else Catalina Evelyn De la Cruz! I know when you're lying and you lied to me! I'm your best friend! Since when did we ever keep secrets from one another?" A look of hurt crosses her face.

" I'm sorry i lied Salem but I can't talk about it." I apologize.

" Is it something bad? If it is you need to tell me!" She begs as she stands up from the bed and walks over to where I am seated on the window seat. Sitting down across me.

" No. It's not. On the contrary it's what I did." Her eyebrows pull together. " It's nothing bad. Well it is but..." I just sigh as I look down at my bare feet. The mint green nail polish on my toes causing my feet to look paler then they already are.

" Come on!" Salem jumps up and stands before me. She gives me a look before rolling her eyes. " No more crying after the guy who broke your heart." My eyes widened at her words.

" I never mentioned a guy." My voice shook as I spoke.

" You don't have to. I had a fairly good guess why you were," she paused as she tries to use the right word. " Sulking. Now get up and let's get hot because we are going to a party." I am about to say no when she cuts me off. " It's Friday. The last Friday of summer vacation before we go back to the academy for our senior year. And we are going to end summer vacation with a bang." A look of determination was clear in Salem's gaze. Knowing there was no way to get out of this I sighed and nodded.

" Fine." Salem let's out a high pitched squeal.

" Now as Christina Aguilera's song say, let's get glam."

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