Chapter 35

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Catalinas POV

" What the hell do you mean you kidnapped Luke!?" I yelled. 

So I wasn't the only one they took that night at the pizzeria. They also grabbed Luke. 

Luke who's my best friend. Luke who's big mouth gets him in trouble. Luke who is probably tied up gagged somewhere beaten to a pulp. All because of me. 

" When Tristan went in to grab you you're friend was outside. It took Tristan longer to grab you and your friend went inside to find you. We were putting you in the car when he came out the door. He started to put up a fight. The smart thing to do was kill him. I didn't. We had him sedated and took him. We didn't want to leave a trail." 

I couldn't help but blink. 

So Luke got worried and went in search for me. Sounds like him. I'm more surprised that he fought them. Luke's not much of a fighter but when he does he's lethal. 

" Where is he?" 

" Here." I felt ten times relieved. " Although he has been a hassle since he woke up a couple days ago. Broke one of my men's nose. He can throw one punch." Alek praised. 

" He was a boxer since he was little." 

" Good to know." He nods. 

" Can I like see him?" 

" I have to tell my father first. You two can after all try to break out." I scoffed at that. I am not dumb enough to break out of this fortress. Especially knowing that the Russian mafia has me. They carry guns. If I run I bet one will put a bullet in my back. 

" Your father was the man in the hall before?" He nods. 

" That's him." 

" You two don't look anything alike." I state remembering alekzanders fathers face. 

" I look like my mom."

" I bet she's pretty." 

" Was. She's dead." The smile on my lips fell and a grave atmosphere settled between us. 

" Oh. I'm sorry." 

" It's fine. It was long ago."  There was a far away look in his eyes. " She hated my dad doing this. In all the years they spent together she always had a word about my fathers work. She threatened to take my siblings and me away once. Didn't happen. She just loved my dad. She couldn't bring herself to leave. She ended up dead because of it." 

" I don't know what to say." I mumble. 

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