Chapter 23

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~Unknown POV~

Moscow Russia

I sat on my leather chair watching intently through the camera monitors as my men beated and battered the tied up man. Blood oozed out of his cuts. Some of it pooled around on the concrete floor below him. His hair fell onto his face which was almost non recognizable by how swollen and purple it was. His cries of pain echoed around the room. No one able to hear him. Not even god himself.

" Boss Alekzander is here." I glanced away from the monitor and at the now open door leasing into my study at Julio, one of my closest friends around here.

" Bring him in here." I order. He nods and hurries off.

I turn back to the monitor to see the man staring wide eyed at a photograph one of my men held up for him to see. A pretty little three year old girl and an older women were in the photo. Both of them casually strolling down the street with their dog. It was a pretty little scene. But to him if was his worst nightmare come true.

The man yelled and thrashed about. After a few punches he sagged. Rising his head slightly he looked at the camera placed in the room. He begged and pleaded for me to not hurt his family. That they have nothing to do with it. I scoffed at the imbecile. Family has everything to do with this. Family is what will either make or break you in this lifestyle.

Picking up a pre paid phone I dialed the only number in the phone.

" Yeah boss?" The guys asked through the line. I was able to hear whimpering in the back ground and a man calling out for me to not hurt them.

" He has till sundown to give us a name or not. We'll kill his pretty daughter and wife in front of him." I hang up not waiting for answer.

I let out a breath and closed my eyes. You've been doing this for over twenty years. Don't feel soft now.

" Hey dad." The door opens and my son Alekzander walks in.

I don't miss the red line that runs from the corner of his mouth to the top of his ear. Nor the large bandage on his arm. Or how he limos towards me.

" Are you okay?" I frown with worry. Alek is my only son alive and losing him would just be the end of me.

" Dandy. Alive. That's what matters." I nod.

" Got what I wanted?" He grins.

" Of course." He drops a Manila envelope on my desk. It lands with a loud thud. Shaking the pens on my desk slightly. I open it and put out the wad of papers. I go over them quickly and I can't help but laugh.

" You have got to be kidding me!?" I roar with laughter. " He can't be getting married!"

" It's true. He's in love father. It's the hot gossip going through the streets at the moment. I didn't believe it but it's true." My son leans over and nod out a photograph. I take and stare at the image.

There he was. My nemesis. The major pain in my ass. He stood in his fancy suit besides a tall gorgeous blonde wearing a red dress. There wasn't anger in his eyes but adoration and love-!? The longer I stare at the picture the more I see how he's gone vulnerable. Soft. The smile on his face, how he's looking at the girl, and his body language is all I need to make my final assumptions.

" A weakness. I tell you to find out his greatest weakness and this," I motion to the papers and photograph. " This is perfect!"

" What do we do know?" He asks.

" Easy. Bring her to me." Alek gives me a strange look.

" Kidnap her father?" I nod.

" Yes. He loves this girl. He is marrying her of course. He'll do anything to have her back. Even make a few deals that will be of gratitude for us for the sake of us handing her over."

" It can get pretty risky dad. I mean he'll have her guarded." I scoffed.

" Of course he will. He's Dimitri. But we take her. Partially dead or alive bring her to me Alekzander."

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