Chapter 37

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Catalinas POV 

Luke stared at me as if I just grew horns and my skin turned blue. His eyes wide and mouth slightly open.  

" Luke? Come on. Say something." He just stared at me. " Flys are gonna go in your mouth." That did it. 

" Cat, you- Dimitri- them- okay! Okay! I get it! We're in the middle of a mob war!" He cried throwing his arms up in the air as he started pacing along the floor. 

I rose a brow. A mob war? I honestly didn't even think of that. Then again Dimitri is apparently a mob boss as well as Aleks father. They're probably enemies being in the same line of work. Is it even a line of work? Yeah. Line of work. 

What kind of work? Is it drugs? Human trafficking? Guns trafficking? From what I've seen in mob movies like 'Godfellas', 'Godfather', or 'Scarface' it's always drugs. And they kill people. Has Dimitri killed people? I mentally shook my head. No. He couldn't. The Dimitri I know wouldn't kill another human being. But maybe he did. Maybe he's not the person I think he is. 

" What if they end up killing us?" I sighed. 

" Luke I don't think they'll kill us. If they did they would of done so a long time ago. And look! We're perfectly fine!" Luke finally took me in. 

" Where'd you get the dress?" 

" Alek." 

" It looks good. Reds your color. But Cat! How are you so sure?" I gave Luke a hard look. 

" Luke I've talked to Alek and his buddy Tristan. They aren't bad people. On the contrary I'm really scared of his dad the boss. He's the one who calls the shots here." In those few seconds that I met Aleks father I know that that man has it in him to hurt us. I know that he can do some terrible things to us. He hasn't. Yet. 

" The boss huh? What I don't understand is how cool this boss is even after knowing they grabbed the wrong girl?" I shrugged. 

" Alek told me that his dad said I'm a bigger asset then they believed." Lukes eyebrows furrowed for a second before he burst out laughing. 

" Of course you're an asset! Dimitri still loves you, you idiot! You think he'll just let his enemy have you? No! I bet you Dimitri is on the first flight out to Moscow." I let my gaze wander to the window. This room didn't have a balcony. Just a small window. 

" You really think he'll get on the first flight?" I mutter. 

" If he loves you as much as he claims then he would." 

My mind is playing a scenario of Dimitri running thorough the airport buying a ticket for the first plane out to Moscow. Dimitri anxious on the plane that he can't even sleep. Dimitri getting off the plane and coming to get me. Dimitri confessing that I'm the one he loves and not my sister. Dimitri and I finally realizing we're meant for one another. Both of us not caring about the consequences. The two of us being together in Paris once again. 

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