Chapter 3

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Three months later

~*Never Thought Medusa Would Find Her Happily Ever After*~

Catalina's POV

" No! Don't move! Harry don't move!" I say in between giggles as I try to put make up on Harry, mascara to be more precise, and I'm doing a bad job at it since he keeps fidgeting around.

" Ow! You poked my eye with that thing!" Harry pulled away from me as he put one of his large hands over his left eye. I can't help but laugh as he tried to give me a glare but ended up smiling.

" Sorry." I give him a sincere look.

" Whatever. Just hurry up and finish so I can wash off whatever you put on me." I frown.

" You are so not going to ruin my creation!"

" Your lucky I'm even letting you do this Cat." He says in a serious deep tone.

" I know. That's why you're the best boyfriend in the world." I lean in and faintly kiss his lips. As I pull away he starts to pull me towards him. He groans when I pull away. " Sit still. That way I can finish much more faster." Harry sighs, muttering incoherent things beneath his breath before he stays completely still.

Harry is my boy friend. Has been for the past two months. It all started the first day back at the academy when I invited Harry to eat lunch with me. An odd thing on my nature since no one outside of my group of friends ever eats lunch with us without being made a fool of. Harry politely declined my offer said he had somewhere to get to. I knew he was lying. He's the schools nerd and loser while I'm the queen. Our social status didn't stop me from trying to have at least a decent conversation with him. People noticed. My friends and everyone on campus thought I was trying to play a sick joke on Harry. To have people believe so low of me made me sick to my stomach. Even more when Harry started believing the gossip rumors and ignored me.

It wasn't until I saw him alone in the music room after school that I barged inside and demanded him to tell me what was wrong. He dodged all of my questions. Instead he said he didn't want to see or talk to a girl as sick as myself. His words stung more than I thought they would. A simple I can't talk would have been better than those hurtful words. I followed him all the way out to his car. Shouting and yelling like the crazy cat woman from The Simpsons for him to answer my question while ignoring the looks everyone was giving us. Irritated that he wasn't listening to me I reacted on instincts. I kissed him. I was expecting him to push me away and drive away. Leaving me a fool. He didn't. He kissed me back with as much desperation and need as myself.

After that we started dating. It was awkward at first. He was never one for the elite crowd. He hates attention and gossip. He hates having his names in other people's mouth. He hates the lies and manipulation. It was difficult for him to accustom to the ropes. I thought he was going to tell me once that it couldn't work out. He did the complete opposite and suck it all up.

Harry has changed, physically, from when I first met him at Nate's End of Summer Dash Party. He ditched the thick glasses for contacts. His brown eyes look so beautiful when the light hits them instead of reflecting off his glasses. He got a haircut to. His brown hair doesn't fall into his eyes anymore. It's parted and combed back. Making his jawline even more prominent. He also got slightly buff. His shoulders are wider and hips much more narrow. To be completely honest Harry is crazy hot. He was cute and adorable before but now. I can see why he has so many fan girls at school.

" Are you done? I want cheeseburgers." He says as I'm putting Barbie pink lipstick on him.

" Almost. And don't mention food. I'm starving."

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