Chapter 43

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Catalina's POV

" What the hell do you mean we're going to see Dimitri?" I whisper yell at Luke since we're both now standing in the foyer. I glance towards the doorway leading to the living room to see Alek speaking to Tristan.

" Thought your new little boy toy told you. Then again he probably didn't that way he can feel ya up and fuck you on the hood of a car." He snapped.

" It wasn't going to go that far." I retorted.

" Please you looked like you were enjoying yourself. He did too as well." He moved the hair out of my face and touched my throat.

" What?" I push Luke aside and stand in front of the mirror in the foyer. There on my neck was a very large love bite. " The hell!?" I curse.

" Dimitri is going to love to see that." Luke smugly said.

The anger vanished only to be replaced by guilt. Dimitri. We're going to go see him and there I was swapping spit with Alek who kidnapped me! How stupid am I!?

" Where's my smokes?" Tristan appeared a smirk on his lips.

" Here's your stupid cigarettes sugar!" I shove the packet in his hands.

" Thank you love. Now, why don't you go shower and get all pretty? We need to leave to a bar shortly."

Sighing I do what Tristan said.

" Well talk later." I tell Luke.

" You bet we will."

After a very quick hot shower I went back to the room I'm sharing with Luke. Thankfully he wasn't in here. Good. I'm not in the mood for him to be trying to break down my thoughts and force me to tell him how I feel.

I blow dry my hair not wanting it to wet the carpet anymore. I plug in a curling iron and contemplate what I should wear while it gets hot. I'm about to just say fuck it as I stare at all the clothes inside the duffle bag. I mean why should I care what I'm going to wear? It's just Dimitri. He wouldn't mind if I showed up in old sweats and a filled up t shirt.

I sighed as I thought about Dimitri. I wonder how he is? If he's doing good? Does he miss me? Is he worried about me? All questions I'm hoping to get answers for tonight.

Divided between one of two dresses I should wear I didn't hear the door open or close. Nor the sound of the lock being put in place until it hand ran up the back of my thigh.

I let out an annoyed sigh. " Luke after what the he'll you just said now is not the time to be a freaking perv!" I snap.

The hand continued up until he pinched my butt.

" Luke I'm freaking-" my breath is caught in my throat when I see that it's not Luke but Ivan.

" Thought I was someone else pretty?" He said with a grin.

I'm about to scream when Ivans meaty hand clamped over my mouth and I'm pushed back onto the mattress. Him above me.

Anxiety fills me and I start to push against him. I punch, pull, and scratch. My attempts are useless. I can't even wiggle around with his entire weight holding down my legs. Not to mention that there was something very hard against my belly and it doesn't feel like a gun.

A sob escaped my throat as he pushed down the towel to reveal my breast. His filthy hand ran that gripped my thigh tightened. I grunted at the pain. Tears filling up my eyes.

" I'm going to enjoy this. Very much." He breathed against my throat.

His hand let go of my thigh as he went to unbutton his jeans. Panic filled me when I saw the top of his boxers.

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