Chapter 51

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Tension and agitation buzzed around the brightly lit room. The sound of the fire crackling filled the place. The smell of the wood burning is heavy.

The leaders of the two strongest and most feared mob gangs are present. Vladimir and Dimitri. Both enemies. Both here in this very room.

If they wanted to they could have killed one another the moment they arrived. Both have a meaning to kill the other. Revenge. Revenge for the murder of their families. Revenge and hate that can keep one going for years.

Both leaders have been here in this room for over two hours. Two very long hours. With each second and minute passing brings another closer chance of the two killing one another.

Stark who is sitting on a chair glanced at either leader. Vladimir sat by the fire. His gaze on it. An amusing smirk on his lips. Dimitri stood on the opposite side of the room. His gaze on the floor.

Stark knows both men very well. He knows how cruel Vladimir is. Knows how smart the older man is. He also knows how Dimitri is the much more reasonable of the two. How he only kills if needed and to prove a point.

Stark has worked for both men for over five years. Killing whoever they wanted him to. Get what they want. Smuggle what they want. It's a dangerous job. One that can kill him. Or put him in prison for the rest of his life. In all five years he hasn't been caught once. There came a time where the FEDS got on a trail but one quick call to his good friends who work for the government and it never happened.

Katrina has worked alongside Stark for all those five years. Many underestimate Katrina. They think she's just a pretty face. That's where they are wrong. Katrina has no remorse. Has nothing to live for. That's why she's the one that mostly kills whoever they are paid to kill. Not in a pretty way. Stark sees what she does to them. No wonder Vladimir has a liking towards Katrina.

Still Stark wondered what the hell was taking Katrina so long to come back down. She's been gone over an hour. Does it really take that long to get the girl down here?

Dimitri himself was getting impatient. He wondered when Katrina is coming back down with Cat. In the almost two long weeks they've been here in Russia all he wanted was to see her again. To see her face. To see her well.

When he called Vladimir on the phone two days earlier they had an interesting phone call. Vladimir didn't want money. He didn't want anyone to die in return. No. He said one simple thing, 'I wanted you to feel the pain I felt when you took everything from me'.

Vladimir purposely kidnapped Catalina to give Dimitri pain. He purposely did it all. Did it to make him feel miserable and at the end he was going to get Cat back. Vladimir was willingly going to give her back.

" You were going to give her back all along!?" Dimitri shouted at him during the talk on the phone.

" Yes." Is all Vladimir said before he hung up the call.

Vladimir didn't know why he told Dimitri what he did. It was in all true. That he was going to give the girl back after a few weeks. Maybe even months. Still why he told Dimitri he didn't know.

Maybe it's because he wanted it to be all over. To give the girl back and he can go back to his private estate and much more important affairs. No. No that's not the reason. The reason he wants it over is because of Alekzander.

That idiot boy just had to go and fall in love with her. Vladimir knew it the moment they walked into his home. The boy didn't have to even have to talk for Vladimir to know that his son, his only last living son is in love with the girl.

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