Chapter 49

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Aleks POV

After the car exploded Tristan and I put as much distance between us and the car. Both of us checking over our shoulders every second. That's the thing about them red coats. They use violence to prove their point. For all I know we might be falling right into their trap. We could be just little pawns in their game of chest.

" There! There's the hospital!" Tristan gasped as we turned a corner.

He was right. The hospital was right there. Ambulances pulled in and out. EMTs rushed to get people inside.

In the shadow of the alley we catch our breaths and straightening ourself. I was cleaning some snow from my coat when my phone rang.

" What?" I snapped as when I answered.

" What happened? I heard your car went up in flames boy!" My father barked through the line. No hint of fear or concern laced in his heavy Russian voice.

" We're fine if you're wondering." I grunted.

" Good. Do you know who-"

" Red coats sir." I cut him off.

My father let out a curse in Russian.

" Sir they are also looking for the girl. They got to Charlie and Adrian. Apparently she was staying with them. She left before the police could arrive. Now we are at the hospital to get some answers." My father was silent for a good moment.

" He was right then." He chuckled.

" Who?"

" That does not concern you boy. Get the answers and find the girl." He ordered.

" Will do." He hangs up and I stare at my phone.

" What did your dad say?" Tristan asked.

" Just to get Cat." My eyebrows furrowed as I wondered who this 'he was right' is?.

" We will don't worry. We should really go inside the hospital. Red coats could be watching us." Tristan's eyes darted around the street. It started to rain a few minutes ago making it hard to see with water running down our faces. Still standing out here in the open made me uneasy.

" Lets go."

We cross the street and enter the hospital. It smells of hand sanitizer and other sterile products. The lights above are bright. In the lobby we walk up to the receptionist. A women in her late thirties sat in the other side. She looked up from her computers to tell us what we needed.

" Our friend was brought in here. Charles Petrova." I say making sure to use Charlies last name.

The women types and her eyes dart back and forth as she reads whatever it is on her computer screen.

" Sorry he was discharged twenty minutes ago." I stared at the women.

" Discharged?" Tristan asked.

" Yes. Signed the papers and left." The woken said.

I stared at Tristan. He shared the same confused look as I did.

" Impossible. He was brought in over an hour ago. He should still be here." I argued.

" Sorry. It says here that he was discharged. He's not here anymore." The women apologized.

Tristan let out a curse in German. I just asked about Adrian. If Charlie was discharged he would be by Adrians side.

" He's upstairs recovering." She said.

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