Chapter 6

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Dimitri's POV

She looked just as beautiful as the day I first met her. Her eyes that put the greatest sapphires and oceans to shame sparkled. Her full lips that were painted red looked so soft and kissable. Her skin seemed to glow. Her hair, the was once blonde, is now black. Giving her an exotic look.

Yet as I stare at her I can't help but feel the anger, hatred, and betrayal for what she did to me.

Realizing that everyone was staring at me waiting for me to say something i swallow the emotions that started to creep into my mind like fog away.

" Nice to meet you Catalina." I say. I see her stiffen before she gives me a forced smile and nod. She runs a hand through her hair. Something she does in difficult situations.

" And this is Harry. Catalina's boyfriend." I'm taken aback when I find out that the teenage boy standing next to her is her boyfriend. A sharp pain stabs at my chest. I cover it up when the boy, Harry speaks.

" Hey man!" Harry extended his hand out in a formal greeting. As much as I didn't want to do anything with this boy I returned the handshake. Holding back from wanting to break his hand I let go after six seconds.

" Babe," I turn to Isis who is smiling like a kid on Christmas morning. " This is my brother josh and his fiancé Heidi." I turn to see a make in his early twenties who looked not at all related to Isis. He resembled Samantha-Catalina more then Isis. The same smile and pale skin color. I'm suddenly engulfed in a tight hug.

" Sorry! I'm a hugger." Heidi, Isis brother fiancé, says sheepishly as she pulls away.

" How can you even hug with that watermelon!?" Josh asks bewildered. I look down at Heidi's very bulging stomach. Josh is right, it did look like she swallowed an entire watermelon.

Everyone begins to talk. I nod and say a few comments at what Josh is telling me. To be honest I can't even pay attention when she's all I'm thinking about. Catalina. The shock that she is my fiancés sister still lingers. Never in a million years would I have thought that Isis and Catalina were sisters. Especially when they were so different in millions of ways.

" Dimitri! There you are! I need to talk to you! Now!" Stephan appearing besides me takes me out of my inking thoughts.

I already know what he needs to talk to me. He saw her earlier. That's why he looked as pale as a hospital bed sheet when I encouraged him to talk to the 'girl in the blue mini dress'.

" Stephan have you met Isis siblings? Her brother josh and sister Catalina." I hear Stephan mutter a low shit besides me. Inaudible to everyone else.

" Pleasure to meet you." He nods at Heidi and josh. I give him a look when I see him glare at Catalina. He ignored it and goes back to glaring at Catalina.

" Why are you two giving each other the death glare?" Isis asks. Of course she'll notice. One thing I've learned about Isis nothing passes by her without being noticed.

" This asshole was dragging me outside wanting to kick me out the party!"

" If I remember correctly you were the one who kicked me." They both said at the same time.

" Catalina remember we are in public. Don't cause a scene." Veronica, their mother said in between clenched teeth.

" I'm sorry Mrs. De la Cruz. I will leave so I will not round Catalina up. Now excuse me." I gave Stephan a look to which he shrugged. He was about to walk away when Veronica stopped him.

" No. Stay. We are all about to be family and you are staying in my home while this wedding is all planned out. I will not have you two wasting money on a hotel when we have extra room in our home." Veronica's words left me utterly stuck. She wanted us to stay at her home. Isis would surely convince me if I ever tried to stay in a hotel. Yet all I thought about was how I was going to act around Catalina without bringing up the painful past.

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