Chapter 14

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Catalina's POV

It seems that my sister wasn't lying of what I overheard in the hallway yesterday for she left to Paris early this morning. My brother and Heidi left last night to Montana to visit Heidi's sick grandmother who is dying from cancer and has entered the final stage. I gave her my condolences before she left. Stephan and Sebastien both left off a couple hours ago. Stephan who said he had business to take care off while Sebastien tagged himself along annoying Stephan but he didn't reject the boys company. Dimitri on the other hand was no where to be found. It seems that he must have left with my sister to Paris.

Last night sleep solemnly found me. I was just laying on my bed the entire time listening to every Adele song on repeat reliving in the past and wondering if I should have done things differently. If I didn't run off to Paris after the argument I had with Nate. If I didn't decide on that last minute shopping spree that Friday afternoon. If I didn't ask the attractive man sitting drinking some water for directions. If I didn't agree on meeting him for dinner. If I didn't fall deeper into those magnificent blue eyes of his. Maybe if I chose differently I wouldn't be having these thoughts because right now I should be focused on the greater matter.

One word.

Five letters.


Yes I am throwing a party. What teenager stuck home alone with no one else wouldn't throw an awesome amazing party!? The party was a last minute thing. Spinning around bored on a stool in the kitchen waiting for the coffee to get ready did the trick and voila party!

I'm standing on my back porch and look out onto the vast scene before me. The DJ was seated up on a small stage. The lights blinding and the loud hip hop music caused the windows of the house to shake. The semi dance floor was covered in sweaty bodies humping and grinding on one another. People strolled around in underwear or bikinis as they jumped and swam in the pool. Along with a few naked girls who enjoyed the attention they gained. There was a bounce castle off to the side where they jumped around inside. Near the back was a small bon fire where the more herbal people smoked pot and listened to a guy play guitar. Yet the center of all attention were the tables aligned with all types of alcohol and kegs. Who doesn't like free things? Especially when it comes to alcohol.

I take a sip of my drink and stroll inside. It was a lot more calmer indoors. There was an intense game of strip poker in the living room. Guys played a game of billiard in the game room. In the kitchen they played beer pong and cheering was heard as they made the ball inside the other sides cup. Red cups lined and littered every flat possible surface. The stairs was flooded with horny couples. I'm glad I locked my parents room and mine. Lord knows I'll burn everything in my room until it's sanitized.

A couple of people stroll in through the door. I recognize them as Nate, Harry, and Serena. Nate's dressed in a tight red shirt, jeans, and flashy shoes. His hair is perfectly styled. Harry has a black shirt, jeans, and vans. His hair messy. Serena on the other hand wears harem pants, a white tank top with her black bra underneath visible, and sandals. Her blonde hair is in usual dreadlocks. Her eye jewelry makes her look even more exotic and indie.

" Hey guys!" I walk over to them and immediately kiss Harry faintly on the lips. " Thought you guys weren't going to come."

" Well Harry here wasn't since his mom was being a bit- I mean being mean." Serena quickly corrected herself. Giving Harry a cheeky smile after almost calling his mother a witch with a capital B.

" Well I'm glad you guys are here."

" I think I see Jason." Nate quickly walked away.

" Come on! God I need a drink!" Harry, Serena, and I walk outside where they both fill up their cups with beer. I on the other hand have a mixture of coke and scotch. I like the hard liquor. Serena drowns the full cup of beer and quickly drowns another two. " Man I was famished! Hey I got something for you!" She quickly brought out a small bag that held circular white pills.

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