☯︎ 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 1 ☯︎

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☟︎︎︎ 𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 ☟︎︎︎

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☟︎︎︎ 𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 ☟︎︎︎

♫︎ 𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐝𝐚 𝐛𝐲 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲 𝐤𝐞𝐞𝐦 ♫︎

bonten. the worst and most dangerous criminal organization in tokyo that is led by no other than manjiro sano.

"someone's excited" rindou said to the pink haired maniac that he was met with inside of the elevator. "mikey called for a meeting which means someone is most likely gonna have their life taken". he smiled as if what he just said wasnt completely crazy.

the elevator then came to a stop on the highest and main floor. both rindou and sanzu walked out and was met with bonten's top members. "took you two long enough" ran sighed and sat up in his seat, previously slouched.

mikey, takeomi, kokonoi, kakucho, ran, and kanji were all surrounding the long table that was specifically meant for their meetings. rindou and sanzu took the seat that was opposite from eachother before mikey began to talk.

"bonten has another traitor...his name is isamu. he stole money from us to pay back the debt he had for another gang that he was secretly spilling information to." he stated with his usual stotic expression and low voice.

"so we kill him right?" sanzu asked him with an impatient tone. "mhm..but we dont know where he is and we some what have no leads since he's pretty good with cleaning up his tracks. the only thing that we can use as a lead is his daughter who works in a strip club."

"his daughter is a strip-" sanzu was cut off by kakucho. "she's a waitress there and her name is y/n" he glared at sanzu since he already knew what was going on in his dirty mind.

"the plan is to use her as ransom so we can get isamu to finally give in" mikey sighed. "we go through with it tomorrow" mikey stood up and walked over to the elevator leaving the rest of the members.

"i wonder what she'll look like" rindou mumbled. kakucho took his phone out of his pocket before swiping the screen. "i doubt she'll look even close to attractive...i mean, have you seen isamu?" ran chuckled.

kakucho turned his phone around, showing the members the screen. a picture of y/n which made their eyes widen. "that's her?!" sanzu's tone in his question basically explained what everyone was wondering right now.

kakucho nodded. "so...she must've gotten her looks from her mom because there's no way isamu made that" takeomi mumbled as he took a draw from his cigarette.

"enough talk about y/n. sanzu, there's some traitors to execute at that storage place." kakucho informed. a grin of a maniac formed on sanzu's face before he stood up.

"well we should go pay them a visit, no?" sanzu chuckled before confidently walking to the elevator. the haitani brothers followed behind him as all three of them entered, doors closing a little bit after.


the next day finally rolled around and bonten was in the parking lot of the strip club that y/n worked at. "her shift's almost over. its about to be three am" mikey said, voice being low like usual.

"hey boss, when did this isamu guy do all of this?" sanzu asked mikey as he traced the texure on the gun that he was holding in his hand which was resting on his lap. "surprisingly, we dont know. we only figured out about all of this a couple of weeks ago".

"there she is" ran announced after seeing the familiar girl from the picture walking to a car. "rindou, you can handle it" sanzu aggressively patted his back make rindou slap his hand away.

y/n on the other hand, felt like she was being watched. it was pitch black outside with the building's logo being the only light source. she heard footsteps nearing her and before she could turn around, a damp cloth quickly covered her nose and mouth.

she managed to pry the hand off of her face before turning around and reaching for the poket knife in her pocket. holding it tightly, she swung it at the masked man, slicing his hand in the process since he tried to grab the knife.

he grabbed y/n's wrist before twisting it as a threat. she groaned in pain and the little time that she lost focus, her other wrist was captured. he placed the cloth back over her face as she still resisted to inhale.

after holding her breath for a while, y/n needed to inhale. she gave up and breath in the scent before slowly passing out. "thats a good girl" he smiled proudly.

her body went limp in rindou's hold as he lifted her over his shoulder and brought her back to their suv. rindou placed her in the back seat before tying a blindfold over her eyes.

"what took your dumbass so long?" ran questioned his brother. "i didn't expect her to fucking pull a knife on me and fight back" rindou groaned before letting ran tie a bandanna around his hand.

"woah she got you good, huh?" ran looked at the deep gash that was in between his thumb and index finger after making a knot with the bandana.

"she seems like she somehow has some fight experience...it was just unexpected" rolling his eye's at rindou's response, sanzu began to pull out of the parking lot, driving back to the bonten headquarters like mikey ordered.

hey guysss :) i hope you enjoyed this first chapter

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hey guysss :) i hope you enjoyed this first chapter. there's much more to come ofc but as if for rn, this is just the start.

vote if u enjoyed, ilysm <3

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