☯︎ 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 21 ☯︎

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☟︎︎︎𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠☟︎︎︎

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☟︎︎︎𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠☟︎︎︎

♫︎ 𝐚𝐟1 𝐛𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐥𝐛𝐮𝐛𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐮𝐦♫︎

After ayato drove off  leaving the fire egnited area behind him he began to answer y/n's questions. "Ren, the now f-former leader of kurayami made an order before his death which was for his second In charge, k-Kiro.....to become the new leader. Now kiro is out for revenge and has made it his dying goal to kill anyone affiliated with bonten". He managed to get out through one breath.

"Is that all you know?" She asked pressing the knife a bit deeper into his neck as a small stream of blood leaked onto her hand. "...yes, that's all". His hesitation made y/n a bit unsure of whether he was telling the truth or not.


"okay fine! Just one more thing but its all im allowed to know since to kiro, im nothing more than a brainless worker". He confessed. "Bingo". Y/n let out a small huff through a smirk before ayato began to speak. "You have a traitor in bonten, thats how we found out your whereabouts tonight".

y/n pulled the knife away from his neck which caused him to take a hand off of the steering wheel to apply pressure to his now bloody neck. "Both hands back on the wheel, ayato" he heard her say.

He looked into his rear view mirror to see that y/n was already about to retreat her hand behind her to plunge the knife into his neck. His breathing and heart rate quickend in a matter of milliseconds as he shuts his eyes tightly.

As soon as he reopened them, he saw that y/n had actually just stabbed the side of his head-rest. "What dumbass would kill the person who's driving them?" Y/n had one of sanzus physcopathic smiles stitched onto her lips as she let out a quiet chuckle.

When she finally saw the sign in front of her that marked "bus stop" she told ayato to stop the car.  He did as he was told and she exited the car. "Aren't you gonna kill me before you leave?". He asked y/n with a hopeless sounding sigh. "There's quite a lot of people around and I dont want that kind of attention. But! I slit your neck just enough so that on your drive back, you get loopy from blood loss and pass out which would cause an innocent lookin car crash."
Slamming the car door, y/n stuffed her bloody hand into her pocket as she borded the bus to get back to tokyo, thoughts coming to her head about the information she jusy learned.


y/n took the elevator to the highest floor and as soon as the door opened, she saw sanzu pacing back and fourth in the middle of the room as the rest of the members were sitting at the bar area.

Y/n was about to approach him but she heard him mumbling stuff about her getting hurt on the ride back home or if she's decided to completely dissappear from the face of the earth. She shrugged and greeted the members instead.

they were sitting down, anxiety a bit visible in their smallest actions. A personal bartender gave y/n two glasses of alcohol. She then quietly went over to sanzu from behind and blew a cool wind into his ear causing him to yelp. "Y/N!" he said in excitement before harshly pulling her into a hug, causing her to drop one of the glasses. She sighed and rolled her eye's before kneeing sanzu in the stomach since he wasn't planning on letting her go.

He held his stomach and leaned over in a wincing pain. "What the fuck, y/n? I just wanted a hug" he said, more relaxed at the fact that y/n was now in his presence. "You were hurting my boobs" y/n said as she took a sip of the liquor. 

"Where were you y/n?" Kakucho asked her. "I went for a ride".

"You sure?"

"Mhm" she answered again as her face was too busy downing large amounts of liquor. "So who's blood is that on your hand and why did you leave on bike and come back on a bus?" Rindou asked her this time. He and kakucho both noticd how out of place some things were.

"Well my bike went kaboom and i-got-ambushed-by-kurayami" y/n quickly mumbled the last part.

"So you tried to fight more than one person while you were caught off guard? are you trying to put yourself in a casket y/n? You can't do everything solo. You already know how that turned out." Mikey said startling y/n, the last sentence sent goosebumps all throughout her body.

"I couldn't help it this time, mikey. They're the ones who found me. I-I just wanted to clear- " y/n realized her studder when it came to the topic before cutting herself off with a sigh. She took her eyes off of the now empty glass to look up at the people surrounding her. "Nevermind" She placed the glass on the table before quietly walking away to her own room.

Kakucho looked at sanzu and saw his serious expression as his eyes followed y/n. The pink haired mad rolled his eye's after meeting kakucho's gaze. then he heard kokonoi speak.

"Wait, y/n said that they found her? How could they've possibly found her? We never gave out information about y/n to anyone outside of us".

"That might be what we think. But! y/n's not the type to run into something or someone information worthy and come out empty handed. " sanzu said with a slight smile. It was clear in his tone that he was in the 'right' state of mind.

i didn't proof read dudes, i apologize for any errors 👽

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i didn't proof read dudes, i apologize for any errors 👽

y/n's losing her shit tho 🤝

hope u enjoyed ily ;D

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