☯︎ 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 24 ☯︎

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☟︎︎︎︎ 𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 ☟︎︎︎♫︎ 𝐨𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐛𝐲 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐢 ♫︎

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☟︎︎︎︎ 𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 ☟︎︎︎
♫︎ 𝐨𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐛𝐲 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐢 ♫︎

sanzu woke up to feeling a cold and unoccupied space beside him. the pinkette sat up, his hazy eyes scanning the room but there was no sight of y/n. sanzu got out of his bed before lazily walking into his own bathroom to look presentable to the public.


"how are you not hung over?" rindou asked sanzu once he saw that bontens number 2 had a slowly creeping smile making its was to his lips. "it's called drugs rin. you should try it sometimes." he replied. "the last thing I want to do is end up like you so I think I'll-". rindou was interrupted by ran's sudden outburst of words. "that's kind of crazy coming from the guy who shares a matching mullet with the druggie". he tried to hold in his chuckle but failed miserably.

"fuck off ran, you're supposed to be on my side"

"when was that made into a rule?" ran smirked as he patted the top of rindou head teasingly. "where's everyone else by the way?" sanzu asked once he sat down on the couch beside the haitani's.  

"mochi went back to his house to go see his wife and kid, takeomi and Mikey is at a meeting and kakucho went on an assigned mission." ran summed up everyone's whereabouts while sanzu raised a questioning eyebrow at him. "what?" 

"where's y/n?"

"OH! kakucho invited her with him since she said that she wanted to relax...which I find fucking insane. how do you relax by killing and tormenting people?" 

"you're asking the wrong person, ran" rindou rolled his eyes before looking at sanzu who was ready to answer the elder haitani's question. the sound of the elevator went off and the doors slowly opened, revealing kakucho and y/n who was holding a katana in her hand. 

"speak of the devil and she will appear" rindou sighed.

stepping out of the elevator, y/n went over to sanzu before removing the pearl white headkerchief that was in his suits pocket. it was immediately ruined when she used it to wipe blood splatter from her face. "did you miss me?" y/n asked rindou once she felt his stare. "why would I be, I saw you this morning?"

"because you're rindou and from my knowledge, rindou seems to believe that I'm decent at slicing hands" y/n smiled teasingly, looking at his scarred hand, caused by their first encounter before throwing the blood smudged cloth into his face. ran and sanzu looked at y/n and rindou, interest written on their faces while kakucho just starred blankly at his phone.

"why do you have a katana by the way?" ran asked y/n. "kakucho got it for me" she smiled before taking it out of its casing. rindou stood up, about to walk away before sighing. he then froze after he felt a breeze encase his right arm. he looked down at the spoken limb and now revealed, was his tatted and no longer clothed arm. "Y/N WHAT THE FUCK? YOU COULD'VE CHOPPED MY DAMNED ARM OFF" he yelled before grabbing the weapon from her grip. "what? you looked a bit overheated and I wanted to see your tattoo."

"well you saw it, so now I have to see yours" rindou lifted the katana and just in time, y/n stepped back just before the fabric of her suit's top half could be ripped. "aw maybe next time rin" y/n gently took back her weapon and rindou slyly walked passed her and with one hand, discreetly unpinned the singular button holding both sides of her suit together.

with a frown, sanzu and ran was immediately disappointed when they saw that y/n was standing perfectly Infront of them which caused neither of them to get sight of what was under the fabric. 

"tough luck" y/n faked sympathy for the three, including rindou as she rebuttoned her top and placed the katana back into its casing. she looking back over to sanzu and a wide eyed expression came to her face.

sanzu made eye contact with y/n and memories from the previous night flashed through his head. "oh shit" y/n brought her hand to her face before a continuous line of curses fell from underneath her breath. "y/n?" kakucho called since it caught his attention after being intrigued by his phone's screen. sanzu thought that her memories were finally recollecting from the previous night which caused him to sigh.

"I forgot to get food" she groaned. a loud laugh escaped from sanzu which caused y/n to get pissed off. "its not fucking funny shithead". y/n slapped the back of his head. "did you know that you were drunk out of your mind last night?" sanzu asked as he calmed down. he wanted to make sure whether y/n remembered the events of last night  or not since he knew that she would've felt guiltiness and embarrassment if she did. "oh, that explains my headache from this morning...did I do anything stupid?"

"nope, you just passed out" sanzu replied as he saw that a weight lifted off of her shoulders. "cool, I'm getting my food now". she began to walk away.

"y/nnnn" sanzu called. the smiled was practically heard in his tone of voice. "you still have bloodstains on your clothes, sweetheart. I don't think you're getting any food service looking like that." a bored and annoyed expression crept onto her face before she shrugged. "you're wrong. who knows? maybe ill get free food if I have blood on my clothes".

"you have more than enough money to be worrying if something is free"

"and you have more than enough bones for me to crack, including the one in your p-". a hand was felt on her shoulder before hearing kakucho's voice by her ear. "I'll go with you y/n. I don't have any blood on me so I wont bring attention to myself. "haha..oh. sounds fine with me. also, ran. I'm driving your car since I no longer have a vehicle." a fake chuckle left her lips before she entered the elevator with bonten's number 3. "Y/N NO! you drive way to fucking fast. what if you crash?".

"that doesn't sound to bad, just make sure I look pretty when they're taking pictures of the crime scene". she smiled and the door finally closed. "she's fucking crazy". ran rolled his eyes which caused a smile to make it's way to sanzu's face. "perfect match right?" 

"you know sanzu, I try my hardest to see things from your perspective but I just cant get my head so far up my ass" the elder haitani accidentally worded his thoughts aloud which caused sanzu to sneakily reach for the weapon in his hip's holster while ran's breath hitched for a second. 


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I love making crack infused chapters bc I get to add in my shitty humor and its nice to just step away from the more serious and detailed chapters. if there's anything special that you might want to see in this book, lmk pls.  

ily hope you enjoyed my dudes :0

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