☯︎ 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 14 ☯︎

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☟︎︎︎ 𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 ☟︎︎︎

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☟︎︎︎ 𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 ☟︎︎︎

♫︎ 𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐫𝐮𝐧 𝐛𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐠𝐨𝐬𝐚𝐮𝐫𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐱 ♫︎

"so ren targeted me for obvious reasons which caused them to hold a hostage. remember that 'prank' call that i got a couple days ago?" y/n looked over to mikey who was looking over some paperwork at his desk.

mikey looked up for a split second before nodding. "well, it was a member of the kurayami gang. my brother is their hostage and they might be torturing him as we speak" y/n tried to hide the slight shakiness in her voice but mikey still detected it.

"they've chosen to target me since they see me as bonten's weak spot."

bonten's leader was quiet for quite a while but eventually spoke up since he saw the anxiousness emitting from y/n. "anything you do is up to yourself, okay?..be on your guard y/n. " mikey said.

his tone was more serious now and sounded as if he were trying to send a message to y/n. she nodded and stood up from the couch in his office.

"I'm gonna go visit the guy at sanzu's storage place now. thanks mikey" y/n bowed her head once as a way of thanking him before leaving his office.

walking into the room, she saw rindou and kakucho's sleeping figures. she slightly smiled before walking to the elevator to get onto the last floor. she then decided to call sanzu's number.

"what is it, sweetheart?" she could practically hear the sadistic ass grin in his voice. "im going to the place now...if anyone else wants to go there too then let them know, okay?" y/n explained as she exited the elevator and went to the buildings exit.

"im like your partner in crime now so i'll be there to help you" he quietly chuckled. "then meet me there" y/n then hung up before getting onto her dirt bike, immediately speeding.


"start off with minor questions, sanzu" y/n said when she saw sanzu standing at the entrance. "yeah, questions like 'who do you work for?', 'what was your mission', 'what's it like being fucking dead'."

"SANZU, YOU KILLED HIM?" y/n walked up to sanzu and immediately was about to grab his collar until he gently caught her wrist. "no, i just toyed with him and he passed out due to the pain" sanzu shrugged.

y/n rolled her eyes before walking into the storage room. she was immediately met with the familiar figure who was fading in and out of consciousness. "what the hell did you do to him?"

y/n felt sanzu's figure standing directly behind her before feeling his warm breath on her ear. "we played a knife game and he pissed me off so i kinda..tried to suffocate him"

"we didn't even get any information yet" y/n finally turned around and saw a slight grin on sanzu's face. "yeah, i ran out of patience so he ran out of breath"

y/n walked up to the man who was kneeling down on the blood-stained concrete floor before bending her knees to get to his level. "look, im not in the mood to find pleasure out of torturing you like that pink haired shit over there-" y/n pointed to sanzu who was now sitting on a wooden crate.

"so, just tell me everything you know and it'll be easier for the both of us" just as y/n finished her sentence, she heard the voices of kokonoi and ran. "i brought the acid you wanted, now give me my pay"

kokonoi handed bonten's number two a glass bottle and in return, got a bank roll. "y/n, can i try something with this?" sanzu walked up to her and the man.

"later, im trying to get answers out of him"


"im ten seconds away from throwing you straight onto hells front lawn" y/n mumbled to herself. "hm, well that's where i belong, dont i?" he smirked.

y/n snatched the bottle of acid out of sanzu's hand before he immediately backed up, thinking that it was going to spill. "good news, you have fifteen seconds to tell me what you know but the bad news is that i've been counting in my head for 10 seconds already so talk" the man began to tremble due to fear which made sanzu snort.

"my name's hiroshi. i-i was just hired as a waiter..they didn't tell any of us w-what was going on behind the scenes but all i know is that t-they're planning on doing something major to b-bonten very soon"

"that's really all you know?" y/n asked and stood back up. "y-yes...wait..what are you doing?" hiroshi saw that y/n's hand snuck to the knife holster on her thigh. she took out the knife before grazing his neck with it, leaving a minor slit.

y/n then opened the bottle of acid before pouring it onto his fresh wound causing a blood curdling scream to errupt from his mouth. "you know more...i know you do". y/n was about to pour more until he finally gave in.

"okay, okay I'll tell you more!" ran and kokonoi was taken back by y/n's method but at the same time, intrigued.

"well then...speak up or you'll make this last longer than it has to" y/n said with a slight smile.

speak up or you'll make this last longer than it has to" y/n said with a slight smile

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hiiii guysss i hope you enjoyed 🤩🤩

writing this book is making my search history look very questionable ☹

its worth it though 😈


𝐃𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲'𝐬 𝐃𝐞𝐛𝐭 | bontenWhere stories live. Discover now