☯︎ 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 13 ☯︎

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☟︎︎︎ 𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 ☟︎︎︎

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☟︎︎︎ 𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 ☟︎︎︎

♫︎ 𝐝𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐛𝐲 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐚𝐭𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐜 ♫︎

"y/n, lets go" rindou said to y/n since she stopped running behind him and instead she was staring at the groaning man's body. "shouldn't we bring someone back to see if we can get more information?" she asked.

rindou spaced out for a moment before nodding. "brind him to sanzu's storage place" rindou told one of bonten's workers who were waiting for the two. he nodded and rindou waited for y/n to catch up before walking to his own personal car.


"how'd it go?" ran asked his brother after seeing him covered with blood splatter. fortunately for y/n, the blood on her dress wasn't visible due to the color being black. "y/n, what'd you do to the dress?" kokonoi asked her after seeing that it got shorter.

"it got in my way..." she let out a nervous laugh and in return, got a sigh from kokonoi. both rindou's and y/n's eyes then landed on mikey who was sitting on the couch, distracted by his phone.

every top bonten member was sitting on the fairly large-sized U-shaped couch and the two took a seat beside either side of mikey and that's when bonten's leader finally gave them his attention. "how was it?" mikey asked.

"it went smooth at first and we got a bit of information...um, ren's apparently holding a hostage that he thinks would affect bonten if we were to find out who it was. but thats all we got since he drugged everyone there and we got singled out." rindou explained.

y/n just kept quiet as she spaced out due to her thoughts. she was unknowingly playing with the ring on her finger (that had a built in knife inside of it) until she heard her name being called by mikey.

"oh yeah..after uhh...a bit of a massacre? we brought back one of the guy's that were with him. he's at sanzu's storage place" she informed. "A PRESENT FOR ME?" sanzu said happily at the new information since that meant more interrogating and torture.

"he also said something about having a woman on our side would only bring us down since it'll be easy to play with her mental strings" rindou said with a bit of a more serious tone. mikey hummed and looked to his side to see a quiet yet anxious looking y/n.

"you okay?" he asked. she nodded and mikey heard kanji sigh. "is there something you want to say mochi?" mikey looked over to his figure which was sat beside takeomi. kanji sat up straight before speaking.

"she's hiding something, aint that right y/n...? you keeping secrets might end up getting us all killed and guess who's gonna get the blame put on them? tell us what you're hiding" he said partially to mikey but mostly y/n.

she just started at kanji with a confused yet intimidating look. "mochi, if i remember correctly, you have a wife and a kid who you love dearly, right?" y/n questioned.

this caught everyone's attention since the lacked emotion in her tone honestly sounded threatening. "the fuck does that have to do with anything-"

"im right, huh? well imagine them getting kidnapped and tortured for days on end. and i mean bone and joint breaking, acid being poured into their deep wounds that were caused by a blade or even a bullet. maybe even burning their flesh with the hottest flame and in the end, their life gets taken in the most brutal way a monster can think of"

"your balls of steel would be no more in that situation now, would it?" y/n said as she slowly described each torture technique making sure that kanji got the disturbing image dead set in his brain.

"watch your mouth y/n" he said through his gritted teeth. everyone could tell that y/n's words affected him drastically but somehow he was able to hide it.

"i dont have to tell you shit. out of every person sitting on this couch, you'll be the last that I'll ever submit to. I'll tell mikey everything in private since im not in your dept by anything. i dont owe you jack shit so quit pressuring me. what you CAN do is get that vivd image of your wife and kid being tortured and keep it on replay in replace for any thought that you have about me and this whole situation."

y/n's emotion got the best of her which caused her words to be as raw as they sounded. did she care that she just cursed out one of bonten's top members? it seemed like she didn't due to the fact that she stood up and looked at mikey so that he could get the hint to discuss the situation in his office.

"that was an amazing show" sanzu smiled as he was still partially in shock just like the rest of the memebers. "shut the fuck up, sanzu" kanji spat.

"damn that stick is really far up your ass now, huh?" he laughed. kanji reached for the gun in his pocket but sanzu beat him to it before aiming it towards his head. "what are you reaching for?" he asked curiously.

kanji rolled his eyes before standing up to leave the room. "after y/n's discussion with mikey, we can go visit the storage place. sound good rin?"

rindou looked up from his lap and to sanzu's now serious expression before nodding once.

the drug addict sighed and took into acknowledgement of what he was feeling physically.  "not gonna lie, that kinda made me har-" ran immediately decided to cut of sanzu's words before he could finish his sentence.

"how about we go play pool while we wait" he suggested. everyone agreed except for rindou and kakucho who just decided to relax on the couch since they were tired due to previous missions.


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i decided to add a little twist here for entertainment and upcoming scenes purposes. i chose mochi bc like...who likes him? and, he's been a side character in this book so might as well make use for his ugly ass instead of constantly saying that he's on a mission el oh el 😍

my updating has been a bit more frequent which is good. im a little bit proud of myself 😼

also...im kinda making y/n a little bit sadistic...erm BUT ITS OKAY


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