☯︎ 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 12 ☯︎

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☟︎︎︎ 𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 ☟︎︎︎

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☟︎︎︎ 𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 ☟︎︎︎

♫︎ 𝐡𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐨𝐟𝐭 𝐛𝐲 𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 ♫︎

"hello mr and mrs haitani, glad to see that you two made it" the waitress said, handing y/n and rindou two glasses of alchohol.

y/n was about to drink in until rindou quickly lowered her hand. "don't drink anything" he mumbled into her ear. y/n hummed in response and rindou began to walk to the exit of that room and to the hallway.

he continued to walk down the long hallway as he held y/n's hand and finally stopping in front of a door, rindou knocked on it and it immediately opened.

"mr and mrs haitani?" a waitress questioned and they both nodded. they walked into the room and was met with many important looking people including the leader of the kurayami gang also known as bonten's enemy.

"we'll finally have a hold over bonten with this!" the leader said with a loud chuckle. little did he know that two of bonten's top members were in the same room as him and was hearing everything that he was yapping about.

"and what's that?" rindou asked him with a slightly smile. "huh? who the hell are you?" the man questioned. it was clear that he was drunk

"haitani" rindou simply answered.

"oh yeah, i remember inviting you. this is your wife im guessing?" he questioned, looking at y/n. "my name's ren nice to meet you" he smiled with his hand out.

she hesitantly shook it before speaking up.

"so ren, what is it that you'll be able to hold over bonten?" y/n asked this time. the man smiled at y/n and rindou silently scoffed due to the huge difference in the treatment that the guy was giving y/n than with him.

"well you see, we recently found out that they have a bitch on their side..and as the most dangerous organization in Tokyo, thats the worst move you could possibly pull!" he laughed.

y/n wanted to puch the shit out of the man but realized that she still needed information from him. "what would she do for them? suck all of them off?"

"maybe she'll do exactly that" y/n smiled sarcastically, making rindou poke his cheek with his tongue in an attempt to hide his smirk. "and since the woman is most likely weak physically and mentally, we decided to hold a little hostage" he chuckled.

y/n's heart immediately dropped and her eye's widened as she remembered the call that she got a couple of nights ago. rindou noticed this and squeezed y/n's hand, signaling that they should walk away if something got too overwhelming and they did just that.

"hey pretty lady! where ya goin?" the man asked with a disappointing tone.

"what happened? we were getting information so why'd you stop?" rindou questioned calmly. y/n stayed quiet and as she was about to speak, a woman beside her fell to the floor and so did the man beside rindou.

they looked around and then saw people passing out one by one. "they laced the drinks" rindou informed y/n. she snapped out of her daze and placed both her and rindou's drink on the table.

ren looked around and realized that y/n and rindou were the only two standing. "you're not just any old business worker, are you haitani?" ren stood up and a few men walked into the room.

"and you're not his wife either...you're that bitch aren't ya?" a deep chuckle left his throat. rindou reached for the gun that was tucked into the holster that was built into his suit's vest.

y/n reached for the two guns that was in the holsters strapped around her thighs. at this point they were cornered by everyone in that room. y/n looked to her right as saw the light switch on the wall.

carefully and discreetly walking over, she switched it off and pulled rindou to the doors exit before running out.

they got to a hidden place and y/n made rindou hold one of her guns before reaching for the knife that she had tucked into the holster.

cutting off half of the long ass dress that was preventing her from running fast enough, y/n threw the detached fabric onto the floor and took her gun back from rindou.

"what do we do now? they have us figured out" y/n said to younger haitani. "we have to fall back for now but just shoot anyone you see on the out way out so we dont leave completely empty handed" he instructed.

y/n slightly smiled at rindou's calm expression and tone which just confused him. "what?".

"mrs haitani dosen't sound too bad does it?" y/n teased. rindou rolled his eyes before aiming the gun at the figure behind y/n. "let's go before we get killed" he dragged y/n by the wrist and casually walked out of the build while shooting anyone who their guns and eyes came across.


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like always i hope you enjoyed this chap and u like this book so far

byeee byeee ily <3

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